[Fabs] NFB Blind Driver Challenge Launches Facebook Page!

Parnell and Kim Diggs parnell at sccoast.net
Wed Apr 28 00:51:56 UTC 2010

NFB Blind Driver Challenge Launches Facebook Page!

Today marks the launch of the official NFB Blind Driver Challenge 
Facebook page! Stay up-to-date on all the latest news, videos, and 
photos relating to the Blind Driver Challenge and the Race for 
Independence by becoming a fan of the page on Facebook.  As a fan, 
you will receive live updates from the Blind Driver Challenge in your 
newsfeed.  We will be updating the page continuously; when there is 
breaking news or exciting new content, you will be among the first to 
know!  Become a fan of the Blind Driver Challenge by visiting the 
Driver Challenge Facebook page now!

The Facebook page can also be used as a fundraising tool for the Race 
for Independence! Send the page to your friends and family to 
encourage them to learn more about the Race and the Blind Driver Challenge.

In addition to the Facebook page, you can get updates on the Blind 
Driver Challenge and the Race for Independence by following us on 
Twitter (www.twitter.com/nfb_voice) or visiting our YouTube page 

And it is not too late to join the Race for Independence!  To sign up 
to be an Imaginator and help build the Imagination Fund, please visit 
<http://www.raceforindependence.org/>www.raceforindependence.org or 
call (410) 659-9314, extension 2371.

Parnell Diggs, Chairman
National Federation of the Blind Imagination Fund
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