[Fabs] Nabs membership september conference Call: Scholastic success (for high school, college and graduate students)
Darian Smith
dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 19:07:54 UTC 2010
Hello Fellow Students,
Are you in the throws of scholastic rigger? Currently pondering on
questions about classes you are taking and how to navigate them
Perhaps you are a high school student going through
the frustrations of “lowered expectations”, such as dealing with P.E.
that won't let you take part in sports, an English/ math teacher that is
not pushing you towards the best of your ability, or any other number
of frustrations, while you are working towards your application and
attendance in
College/University.Maybe, you are already enrolled in higher education
and are trying to figure out how accommodations are dealt with
differently from
what you are used to. Potentially this includes issues with navigating
campus, as well as the “red tape” of higher education. Or, on an off
chance, you
fall into a third group, where you are trying to pursue the seemingly
over looked area of how graduate education and expectations- dealing
with the GRE’s
and other substantive information, is different than navigating
through campus as an Undergraduate…
If any of the above situations resonate with you, or if you are just a
student trying to learn how to be better prepared… This call is for
Call topic- How to navigate and succeed in higher education
Why?- will give students in the appropriate educational stage a
chance to talk with someone who is either going through what you are
going through, or someone who will have just gone through what you are
going through and will speak to the ability to be successful in
school as a blind person.
Where?- (712) 775-7100 and entering pass code257963.
When?- Sunday, September 12,
6p.m. EST.
This call will be divided intothree mini-topics with three different
guest speakers; High
school, college/ university and Graduate School. A question and
answer session will follow. The times allotted to each specific
“mini-topic” will be adjusted
as “popularity and need” dictate. part of the call.
As always, we appreciate and look forward to your questions, ideas
and participation. Let us work together towards successfully changing
what it means to be on terms of equality with other fellow students!
Best Wishes,
Darian Smith
Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/goldengateace
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are
spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Teilhard de Chardin
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