[Fabs] Workshop, fundraiser, and social committees meeting

FABS President nfbfabs at gmail.com
Sat Aug 3 17:12:16 UTC 2013

Greetings All:

It is time to plan different events for the 2014 state convention.
Have you signed up for one of the committees? Or are you just
undecided and want to sit in on all of them before you decide. No
problem the workshop committee will be meeting August 4th at 5 pm and
the fundraiser committee will also meet on August 4th, but at 8 pm.
However, the social committee will meet on Wednesday August 7th at
8:30 pm. We hope to see everyone in at least one of the committees.
Did you forget what you signed up for? Contact Paul or Miranda for
your answer.

Paul M. Martinez
Florida Association of Blind Students

paul09ms at gmail.com

Miranda Kilby
Vice President
Florida Association of Blind Students

mbkilby at gmail.com

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