[Fabs] Fwd: Mentoring Program

FABS President nfbfabs at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 04:07:28 UTC 2013

Hello members,

I am excited to announce that we will have a mentoring project once
again this year. In order to make it as successful as last year, I ask
that you please cooperate with us, by reading the below email and
filling out the information form and sending it back to Briana
Scerensco and myself. Thank you for your interested in the second year
that we have this program and let’s show our mentee how fabulous we

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brianna Scerenscko <bfs1206 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 21:35:36 -0400
Subject: Mentoring Program
To: nfbfabs at gmail.com

Hello Lovely FABS Members,

If you are interested in participating in the mentoring program,
please fill out the below questionnaire and e mail your answers back
to me.  If you participated in the program last year and would like to
be matched up with the same mentee, you do not have to fill out the
questionnaire again; just e mail me that you would like the same
mentor that you had.  If you would like to be matched up with a
different mentee, please fill out the questionnaire anyway.


Year In School:
Where You're From:
Current Or Intended Major/Future Career Goals:
Hobbies/Extra Curricular Activities/What You Like To Do In Your Spare Time:
Contact Info:

I will send out an e mail on the parents division listserve and find
you each a mentee.  I will match you up with a mentee who has similar
interests as you.  I think that getting in contact with your mentee at
least once a month (more if you and your mentee would like) is
reasonable.  You may talk about anything with your mentee (as long as
you exhibit a positive behavior and attitude towards blindness).
I'll send out an e mail with everyone's mentee matches once I get
everyone matched up.
Have a great week!

Brianna Scerenscko

Brianna Scerenscko

Paul M. Martinez
Florida Association of Blind Students

paul09ms at gmail.com

Miranda Kilby
Vice President
Florida Association of Blind Students

mbkilby at gmail.com

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