[Fabs] Meeting reminder

FABS President nfbfabs at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 17:25:35 UTC 2016


I hope you are well, and that you are making holiday plans with your family. As a friendly reminder, on Sunday, November 20
at 6 PM, we will be holding our monthly meeting. So, come and learn,
share, and grow with FABS.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to
contact me by your best method of choice. For your convenience the
conference number and access code is listed below.

Number: 641-715-3274
Access code: 401665

With love, hope, and determination,

Paul M. Martinez
President, Florida Association of Blind Students
paul09ms at gmail.com

Miranda Kilby
Vice President,Florida Association of Blind Students
mbkilby at gmail.com
"Live the Life You Want"

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