[Fabs] FABS Conference Call

Jorge Hernandez jeh1065 at comcast.net
Sun Mar 8 01:15:29 UTC 2020

Good evening Core Group and guests


As March is marching into its second week, we will be holding a FABS
telephone conference on the third Sunday of the month.  But before I provide
the calling information please make sure tonight you change your clocks one
hour forward.


Yes, it is that time of the year where we spring  forward one hour; the days
start getting longer; winter is almost a thing of the past; flowers are
blooming, birds are chirping, days are getting warmer.


And, we the National Federation of the Blind of Florida invite you to attend
our next FABS meeting.  


We have lots to talk about.  Such as our FABS rebuilding, our State
Convention, our State Affiliate student scholarship and much more.


The call will take place on Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 6:00 pm using the
following conference calling information:


Tel: (605) 3134820,

Access code:  401665#

One touch smartphone:   (605) 313-4820,401665#


Please add the date to your calendar and be sure to call in early before we
start the meeting.





Jorge Hernandez, President

Miami-Dade Chapter

National Federation of the Blind of  Florida 

Board of Directors



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