[Fabs] Possible Vote?

Z'Leah Liburd nyirah17 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 23:25:23 UTC 2021

Hello, As you all probably saw from previous advertisements that have been
going around throughout   the list serves, The National Federation of South
Carolina is putting on a virtual talent show. As of right now, there are
four participants.
And I'm one of them. I was wondering if you all would consider going  to
www.nfbofsc.org and click on the Talent Show Contestants link and vote for
me? My talent is singing and it would mean a lot if my federation family
would support.
If you do consider voting for me, you would click on that link, go to the
talent show contestants link and click on my contestant number (1, I'm the
first one you'll see)
then click on the Donations link to vote for me! For example, if you donate
$5 to the NFB of SC, I will receive 5 votes! Be sure to note the contestant
number on the note part of the payment so they know who you want to vote
for. The winners will be announced on 3/20/2021 at 4:00 PM eastern.
I hope that you will consider voting for me.
Thank you and have a great night!

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