[Fabs] #NFB22 Montage

Z'Leah Liburd nyirah17 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 30 18:48:39 UTC 2022

Hello fellow federationis!
Do any of you remember that amazing trip that we took a couple weeks ago to
a little place I call NOLA?
Well I along with my fellow partner in crime from FABS Elijah, documented
all of our favorite parts of that week and made it into a montage. And we
thought it'll be cool to share it with you.
Elijah and I had lots of fun filming and putting it all together and we
really hope you all enjoy it!
Little audio description:
In the beginning you'll see a picture of packed luggage with the words
NFB22 surrounding the luggage.
The second to last pause is a green or blue  card that says until next time.
Then before the music ends, it shows credits.
Again, I hope you enjoy the video.
With Love,


Z’Leah Liburd (She/her)

National Federation of the Blind of Florida

Vice President, Florida Association of Blind Students

Board number 1, State Wide Chapter

Nyirah17 at gmail.com

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even
touched - they must be felt with the heart." -*Helen Keller.*

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