[Fabs] FW: Scholarship Application Now Open!

Meliora Hatcher meliora12 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 13 16:29:29 UTC 2023



From: Learning Ally <mmclaughlin at learningally.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:02 PM
To: meliora12 at yahoo.com
Subject: Scholarship Application Now Open!


For college students with a visual impairment



	 <https://pages.learningally.org/index.php/email/emailWebview?mkt_tok=OTAxLU9NSy00NjEAAAGOKRmS_P_FYRCMQnmw3kR2XTkn1jDAwXSHvOXu0KlcKq5ZnidaADIsJPUKjD5Jeb7ekWQuK_DVYXHKJoGwWw7QXotLtTHOutVCcm2wLJoTBJLo&md_id=19146> VIEW IN BROWSER VIEW IN BROWSER 



Dear Meliora,


Each year Learning Ally members who are completing undergraduate or graduate degrees, and who are blind or visually impaired are eligible to apply for our  <http://mkto-ab220193.com/OTAxLU9NSy00NjEAAAGOKRmS_DyTmilDppy1Z-HyOyyOeLFb-5FjAqkXhbzbs0v2wKXr6E5qSvK2m7kjAbKz0zdAPSU=> Mary P. Oenslager Scholastic Achievement Award (SAA) scholarship program in recognition of academic achievement, outstanding leadership, and service to others.


Scholarships range from $3,000 to $6,000 and are awarded to the top six students who are chosen by a national selection committee, based on the student’s academic achievements, educational achievement, outstanding leadership and service to others.


We are accepting applications now through the end of the year. Winners will be notified of awards in early 2023.






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About Learning Ally 

LEARNING ALLY is a leading nonprofit education solutions organization dedicated to equipping educators with proven solutions that help new and struggling learners reach their potential. Our range of literacy-focused offerings for students Pre-K to 12th grade, including our award-winning reading resource, the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution®, our new Early Literacy solution, Excite Reading®, and catalog of professional learning allow us to support more than 2 million students and over 445,000 educators across the US. For more information, visit LearningAlly.org.

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