[Faith-talk] All Who Post are Baptists so Far

Julie C. Vogt jcvogt at pressenter.com
Mon Nov 3 16:23:15 UTC 2008

In the Church of God in Christ and I'm sure that in Assemblies of God and other Pentecostal churches, we speak of those who back-slide, that is, people who walk away from the Lord.  Some never look back.  It is important, therefore, when you ask God for forgiveness of sins to keep a short account.  Even if you're in a situation where you think you can do a better job in an area of your life than God, you are in danger of back-sliding and you must repent for lack of trust in God.  My down-fall in this area is finances.  I like to control my life, but God is the Ultimate Control person and He knows what we need before we ask.

There is no one more forgiving and loving than God.  Your family is the probably the second class who will accept you for who you are, but God directs you because of whose you are, Christ's.

It is truly tragic to see people who walk away from God, people that you thought would stay with God forever, like you plan to do.

 I had a pastor and an organ player friend who were both phenomenal musicians and I ministered in music with them at St. Mark AME Church in Duluth.  This organ player and pastor were tragically killed in a van-trail-truck collision.  That was five years ago and there are people who went to St. Mark at that time who still have no fellowship with God.  I play at one church and try to attend another, but I cannot enter the door of St. Mark and there are others like me.  Some still worship God, but some blame God for what happened and say, "Just think what this church could have been doing now if they had still lived.  Nothing can separate you from the love of God, but you yourself can decide to walk away with no look back.

"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul," American Humorist Mark Twain

"An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us," Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, Immediate Past President, National Federation of the Blind

"A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle." Proverbs 18 19. KJV

"Faith is the ability to see God in the dark.," (unknown)

"No one can do it for us but us," Rev. Jesse Jackson, Operation Push, 1976.

"With proper training, development, and opportunity, blindness can be reduced to the level of a physical nuisance or characteristic," the Late Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, Past President, National Federation of the Blind.

Julie Vogt or jcvogt at pressenter.com 

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