[Faith-talk] prayer request for my NFB chapter

Everett Gavel everettg at successfuladaptations.com
Tue Nov 4 14:25:09 UTC 2008

Good Morning,

I will pray for your chapter, yes.  But here's a 
suggestion for people of prayer, here:

Let's pray for all chapters.  Unfortunately, yours is 
far from unique or alone in your situation.  I urge 
anyone who will actually pray for such a thing, to pray 
for all NFB chapters, all affiliates, all divisions to 
get many more motivated leaders and active members - 
far beyond what any may already have.

The NFB works to change lives, and does so regularly, 
on a one-to-one basis on up to a national, legislative 
level.  The NFB is a wonderful, life-changing 
organization that empowers people through the simple 
truth of its philosophy--a truth that has been tested 
and shown to be true over and over again through the 
ages. And yet there are still many blind people who are 
just downright lazy or quietly fearful, and seem to 
expect others to do too much for them, rather than 
doing it themselves.  So if any of us pray, I ask you 
to pray for something like God to motivate such people, 
to enthrall, invigorate, energize, and turn into 
zealots even, those who have spent their lives thus far 
being nothing much more than mediocre.  That is what 
would help the NFB as a whole, through the local 
chapters.  Pray for God to inspire us, invigorate us, 
and get us walking the walk, not just talking the talk 
or dreaming the dream.

Every apostle was a man of action.  They did not just 
pray.  They did not listen to a weekly sermon and go 
home and ignore taking action the rest of the week. 
No, they lived their conviction.  They took action, as 
Jesus told them to, and as He specifically tells us to 
in His word.  Please pray, and pray for others to also 
get active, and motivated.  Then, when we're done 
praying, I urge each of us to get out and actually take 
action.  Make some calls to inspire other members. 
Call about that fundraiser you're supposed to be 
working on and helping with.  Go start volunteering at 
your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.  God works 
greater blessings and seems to work them more 
frequently, when we put ourselves out in the world to 
be used.  So, yes, pray.  Then, take action!  ;-)

And may God bless our prayers and efforts mightily!

All for His Glory,

----- Original Message ----- 

>I just returned from our California State Convention 
>in Irvine.  It was fun!
> Our chapter President, Dave Faiman spoke at the 
> breakfast and said how we
> were doing fundraising.  However, our chapter is 
> small.  Please pray that we
> could increase our membership of the NORTH SAN DIEGO 
> COUNTY chapter!
> Beth

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