[Faith-talk] hi all -- a question

Stefan Slucki sslucki at chariot.net.au
Sat Nov 8 12:12:29 UTC 2008

Hi "Le",

I guess it'd help to know if the students want to be there -- I've had 
experiences where classes didn't and then again classes which did.

There's no use in taking the "could you help me so we can all get the most 
out of this time together" approach if they're not with you!

Also, is the lesson material clearly presented for you to teach from the 
manual?  Some curriculum is a bit bookish and that can add to 
class-management difficulties -- not to do with you.

If there are puzzles, crosswords and such this could help student 
concentration but be a barrier you need to be conscious of.

Having a "president" is a great idea!  As a totally blind person I'd never 
enter a classroom full of sighted students without a sympathetic pair of 
eyes pulling for me.  You will contact the student, beforehand, to ask for 
their help, yes?

Further, how's your hearing?  Perhaps asking them to sit in the same place 
and have a roll-call at the start of the class could help orient you to 
their voices.

Just a few introductory thoughts.

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