[Faith-talk] False Accusations

Bonnie A cedarwoman1965 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 09:59:04 UTC 2008

I don't think that's going to happen with blindness or people with 
disabilities.  We're dealing with a whole different ball of wax here. He has 
used a blind man and a paralyzed man to show people they can be healed.

Speaking of which, I've also heard it said by people who were gay and 
lesbian that it's indeed a lifestyle choice, and that there's nothing wrong 
with their brain or brain chemistry.  According to them, this is an excuse 
for them to justify their homosexuality.  It's a part of a testimony I heard 
at a conference where the speakers were and are still healed homosexuals.

Bonnie Ainsworth
Lincoln, NE USA

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Beth" <thebluesisloose at gmail.com>
To: <timber_wolf899 at yahoo.com>; "Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and 
religion" <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] False Accusations

Okay, if homosexuality is a sin, guess what?  What about the
homosexuals who have homosexual relations with each other and cannot
be attracted to opposite sex members?  I again may mention that I have
friends who are gay/lesbian.  And I am pleased with Obama in the white
house.  God knows what's best, and I believe in a God who loves all,
and God knows that homosexuality is a sin, but it is a sin between
those who can physically have someone of the opposite sex along with
being attracted with someone of the opposite sex.  Take my
ex-boyfriend for instance.  He likes women, but if he went to sleep
with a young college friend of mine who I know is attracted to girls,
THAT is a sin.  But if my friend who is lesbian went to sleep with the
equally lesbian girlfriend, it is not a sin.  We must love everybody
unconditionally, and we must not say that they are committing a sin
unless they really are and have the brain chemicals made up so that
they are attracted to someone of the opposite sex.  I am attracted to
menh, so if I went to sleep with my college roommate, for instance,
that would be a in in itself.  I am blind, and if I married a blind
man, that would be fine.  But the way this country and the bible seems
to be interpreted, homosexuality would be stomped out and next will be
blindness.  Before we know it, our listservs will be in jeopardy, an
then, we wouldn't be able to marry, write, read, go to college, and if
the Terrorists get our country, and that is if Barack Obama's not
watching over us, we will be wearing veils if we're female.  I for one
do not want any ore arguments about homosexuality to ever pop up again
on this listserv.  I want to play it straight: it may be a sin, but
unfortunately, nobody understands the homosexual cannot be changed if
they are truly homosexual.  I understand my friends, and they are good
people.  They are going to college and they are going to be band and
chorus teachers.  Do you people thin that these girls I'm friends with
shouldn't be band and chorus teachers to young children because they
are homosexuals?  According to the weird article I read, yes.  But I'd
hire them any time.
Anyway, that's my soap box for today. 

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