[Faith-talk] Where I Sent my Survey

Julie C. Vogt jcvogt at pressenter.com
Wed Nov 12 23:30:24 UTC 2008

DHolston at nyc.rr.com
That's where I wound up sending the survey


"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul," American Humorist Mark Twain

"An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us," Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, Immediate Past President, National Federation of the Blind

"A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle." Proverbs 18 19. KJV

"Faith is the ability to see God in the dark.," (unknown)

"No one can do it for us but us," Rev. Jesse Jackson, Operation Push, 1976.

"With proper training, development, and opportunity, blindness can be reduced to the level of a physical nuisance or characteristic," the Late Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, Past President, National Federation of the Blind.

Julie Vogt or jcvogt at pressenter.com 

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