[Faith-talk] Thought 19

WESLEY BURDEN wesley.burden at verizon.net
Sun Jan 4 16:45:07 UTC 2009

Thought 19

Over the past couple of weeks, we have focused on fasting from wrong
thinking where success is concerned.  And the truth is, success or failure
in life is

created by how we think.

So let's create some success with right thinking.  This week, I want to give
you a little more of an impartation, as this is a subject that is often

This week we are fasting from the thought that says, "Prosperity is defined
by how much money we have."

That is wrong thinking. The prosperity God emphasizes is the 
PROSPERITY OF OUR SOUL.  3 John 2 says, "Beloved I wish above all 
things that you would prosper

and be in health, even as your SOUL PROSPERS."  As our soul goes, so 
goes every area of our life.

Therefore, true success or prosperity means TAKING CARE OF YOUR SOUL.

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his 
soul."  In our pursuit of "gain" many people forget to take care of 
their soul.  This

is the key to real success.

Let me share with you several things that will make your soul 
prosperous, which in turn will bless every other area of your life:

  Meditate on the Word of God.

It's not just meditating on "financial" verses, though this is fine, 
and there are many.  It's meditating on the riches that are yours in 
Christ, not financial

riches; BUT "soul" riches:  such as wisdom, grace, 
righteousness.  The result will be:  your soul will prosper; and then 
your outside will catch up with

your inside.

The great missionary Hudson Taylor was approached by his wife on the 
missionfield when they were out of money, What is left, Hudson?" she 
asked.  "We have

25 cents, dear", he responded, "and all the promises of God".

   Develop a righteousness consciousness, this is irreplaceable.

Fill your mind with the blessings of being the righteousness of God.

The devil is called in Acts 13:10 the enemy of righteousness - that's 
what he opposes; because that's what changes us.  When we awake to 

we will sin not.  (1 Corinthians 15:34)

  Confidence in the love of God.

Mark 1:11 says, "You are His beloved son or daughter."

  Develop covenant relationships.

This is a term that is often misunderstood.  It means connecting with 
people of like mind and spirit, who are going in the same direction 
with God as you

are. I gladly extend my covenant with you.  When we have the strength 
of covenant partnership we will be able to handle anything, that is 
success and prosperity.

  Don't take things personally.

This is one of the great forces of "soul-poverty."  When you become 
the victim in someone else's drama, your soul becomes poor.

Clear your heart and mind of all that I call "people guilt."  This is 
where we carry around with us the responsibility for how everyone 
feels toward us;

we feel like we have to be the "host" at everyone's pity party; etc.

  Stop comparing yourself to others.

This will rob your soul of prosperity, as you languish in what you 
don't have, rather than meditating on what you do have.  2 
Corinthians 10:12 says that

we are without understanding and without happiness when we compare 
ourselves to others.


I live a life of meditation on the Word of God.  I am blessed with 
the wisdom of God, the grace of God, and the righteousness of God.

I have all the promises of God, which makes my soul prosper.  I awake 
to being righteous in God's eyes, through the blood of Jesus, not by 
anything I can


I put my faith and confidence in God's love for me.  He loves me and 
is on my side.  Therefore I am satisfied by His love.

I open myself to covenant relationships that will bring strength and 
blessing to me and those I am in covenant partnership with.  My soul 
will continue

to prosper as I refuse to take things personally. I will not absorb 
people's guilt or manipulation.

I choose to stop comparing myself to others, as this robs my soul of 
its health and well-being.  I am grateful for what God has done in my 
life, and choose

to focus on what I already have.

<mailto:K5stu at sbcglobal.net>K5stu at sbcglobal.net
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