Timothy Burdick tsburdick at cox.net
Thu Sep 10 16:14:23 UTC 2009

 Isaiah 58-11 says, The LORD will guide you always;

       he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land

       and will strengthen your frame.

       You will be like a well-watered garden,

       like a spring whose waters never fail.


I would like to look at this guidance briefly, but first, here is a short story to illustrate what I am trying to say. 


There are some funny things that happen when using a guide dog, so I would like to give you an example. One day, I had just gotten off work. My dog was used to guiding me outside, and looking for the van that took me home. When he thought he saw it, I followed him, but the vehicle turned out to be a u.p.s truck. 


Now in comparison, let's look at God's leading, which is perfect. Using the Word gift, The letter G, stands for that guidance. Things may not always be smooth sailing, but God will never lead you on to a u.p.s truck so to speak. In other words, God has a perfect plan for your life. Many times, we wonder why me, when things don't turn out right. That leads us to the next letter in the word gift namely I.





The letter I, stands for the little word in, this word though small, is very important. That is because the Bible stresses the fact that we are to live in a relationship of constant communion with God. This can only be done, by staying in prayer and the word. 


The letter F stands for follow. One rule guide dog instructor's stress is following your dog. While the dogs do make mistakes as seen above, they are very rare, and I half to say that it beats the alternative. In the same way that one would follow a guide dog, we must follow Christ. We cannot afford to run ahead, or run behind. 


In order to achieve a walk with Christ that is consistent, we must end with the letter T. This stands for trust. Trusting Christ is the secret to real Christian joy. Joy is the gift that God wants to give you today, so that even when the road is bumpy, you can rejoice in Christ. Further more, I believe, that if you follow this formula, new doors will open to you, and that His guidance will become more and more real in your life.

Contact FRIDAY STUDY/NEW VISION MINISTRIES at pastortimothy at mynvm.org or call 602.652.2179 or go to www.mynvm.org and remember, Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

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