[Faith-talk] UPCI

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Mon Jul 19 00:50:13 UTC 2010

Hi, I'm Joshua Lester from DeWitt, AR. I know that I've asked this at the
convention. There may be someone though, that wasn't at the convention. Is
there anyone from the United Pentecostal Church? The Website's e-mail
contact form is inaccessible.
Www.upci.org/contactus<http://www.upci.org/contactus>. The
security code that you have to type in is in a picture which the Jaws won't
read to you. I'm the only Christian, (let alone Pentecostal) in my family,
so I don't want to have to depend on them for help. They also don't have
literature in braille. My pastor called the headquarters in Hazlewood, MO.
and asked them if they had braille literature, but they said no. If anyone
is in the UPCI, (United Pentecostal Church International) please encourage
them to put their literature in braille, and make their contact form more
accessible. Thanks, Joshua
"Possessing the promises of Christ"

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