[Faith-talk] FW: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] What is a true Spiritual Warrior?

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Tue Sep 21 14:57:33 UTC 2010

Original Message: 
From: "BeeJay" <beejayokla at cox.net>
To: <URCTCPrayerGroup2 at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] What is a true Spiritual Warrior?
Mon, 20 Sep 2010 23:36:25 -0500

What is a true Spiritual Warrior?

1. A Spiritual Warrior is a Christian that has decided to follow Christ
in all things.
2.A Spiritual Warrior is one that fulfills the requirements of a
3.A Spiritual Warrior is one that has developed ( or is developing) the
characteristics of a soldier.
4.A Spiritual Warrior is one that has decided that the lives of others
are worth their laying their lives down for them.
5. A Spiritual Warrior is one that has set "no limits to my limits in
Christ". (They do what is necessary, not just what they can.)
6. A Spiritual Warrior is NOT just a "Christian" that has read a few
books and began praying "strategically". Nor do they just dance
"prophetically" in church and wave banners, while rarely touching the lives
of those outside the church.
7. A Spiritual Warrior is NOT someone that is "into spiritual warfare".
8. A true Spiritual Warrior is very likely already looking for, or
practicing the spiritual disciplines that lead to victory.
9. A true Spiritual Warrior is one that sees the hurts and pains and
troubles of Christians and sinners alike, and agonizes over their troubles
while purposefully looking for the answers to those troubles in the Bible
and how to apply those answers in a practical manner.

A Warrior is a person that has proven their ability to continue against
all obstacles.
A Warrior is a person that has proven their "mettle" so to speak.
A Warrior is a person that continues to stand when all others have fled.
A Warrior is a person that has made the decision to fight for others.
A Warrior is a person that has made the decision to be a person of
A natural distinction is that a Warrior is a "soldier".
All warriors are soldiers, yet not all soldiers are warriors.
A Soldier learns discipline because it is imposed upon him
A Warrior learns discipline because he deems it necessary to the
accomplishment of his purpose.

Soldiers are seldom remembered; Warriors are seldom forgotten."

In what ways has God revealed to you that you should be a Spiritual

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