[Faith-talk] hair, modesty and Christian living

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 1 15:29:41 UTC 2011

Hi all,
Interesting  what Joshua said in two threads. I’m combining them as I think hair/modesty is a separate thread from the mennonites or Wesley thread.
I know the Bible teaches modesty but that can mean different things to different people. Also, most women follow cultural norms so we can live in a secular society and make a living. So even if women didn’t wear pants, they do in the 21th century because its business casual, more comfortable than skirts or dresses, and of course much easier to put on and wash. 

I can understand the makeup and not wearing pantss, but not cutting hair is impractical.

Anyone else found the hair reference and know any women who don’t cut hair?
Joshua said,
“Women didn't ever cut their hair, until the 1920's.
This was when "Bobbed Hair," became popular.”

and then said

“The Church of England, was Calvinist, (reformed.)
The Wesleys taught holiness.
Women didn't cut their hair, wear makeup, or pants.
They still don't.”

I don’t know anyone following Wesley who doesn’t cut hair. Yes I agree Wesly preached holiness and modesty. But not sure on the hair specifically.

To me modesty means things like not showing too much, not wearing tank tops, having nice manners, and being generous. I do wear some jewelry, but I don’t get too fancy; I don’t think I overdue it. just a solid colored bracelet or earrings.


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