[Faith-talk] Lord's Day Quotes

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 13:00:29 UTC 2011

Hello and good day to you all once again, my fellow Christians and saints of the Most High God.  Here are today's quotes for your consideration.

The day the Lord created hope was probably the day He created spring.  Bern Williams

Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.  Doug Larson

I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt

A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.  Maya Angelou

Take the first step in faith.  You don't have to take the whole staircase, just the first step.  Martin Luther King, Jr.

The value of an idea lies in the using of it.  Thomas Edison

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.  Ann Bradstreet

Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers.  And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.  Bill Cosby

Saints are persons who make it easier to believe in God.  Soderblom

The people of God ought to be the happiest people in all the wide world.  People should be coming to us constantly and asking the source of our joy and delight.  A.W. Tozer

And there you have it for today.  I hope and pray that, as you go to your regular house of worship this morning, that you and your fellow congregants will get a good word from the Lord as imparted to you by your pastors and/or Sunday school teachers and, more importantly, that you apply what you have heard and learned to your individual lives as the gracious Holy Spirit enables.  And now until tomorrow when, Lord willing more quotes will be presented, I remain your obedient servant of the Lord, Paul Barnabas.

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