[Faith-talk] Saturday's Quotes and An Announcement

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 17 12:27:23 UTC 2011

Hello and good day to you all, my fellow Christians and saints of Elyon.  (That's a Hebrew word usually translated as "Most High God," but in reality refers to the innermost part of God's compassionate heart).  Here are today's quotes for your consideration, followed by an announcement.  Please read to the end of this message.  Thanks.

God is good--make sure the people in your world know what He has done in your life.

Unity among believers comes from their union with Christ.

Love and obey the Lord every day, and He will unfold your future.

God forgives our sins completely to restore us to His presence and service.

Christ's empty tomb guarantees our victory over sin and death.

It's never too soon to turn back to God.

The resurrection is the foundation of our faith.

The more you look forward to Heaven, the less you'll desire on earth.

Gossip ends at a wise person's ears.

And there you have it for today.  The announcement is as follows: Beginning on either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, the space allotted to these quotes will be given over temporarily to Christmas devotional articles gleaned from past December issues of Christian Life magazine, published in Braille by Lutheran Blind Mission but unfortunately no longer available since May 2008, but still available in print from Union Gospel Press of Cleveland OH.  Hope you won't be disappointed in the lack of quotes, as this will be only temporary, but the Lord has led me to this conclusion.

And now until tomorrow when, Lord willing more quotes will be presented, I remain your obedient servant of the Lord, Paul Barnabas.

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