[Faith-talk] No Refunds by Sharon Conners

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 13:12:18 UTC 2011

Many of us get very caught up in the gift-giving ritual of Christmastime.  One unpleasant activity associated with this is having to exchange gifts we receive that are the wrong size, wrong color, or the wrong type of gift for us.  The day after Christmas has become known for its long lines for returns at the stores.  Waiting in these lines can be very aggravating.

There is one gift of Christmas that, when we accept it, we never have to or want to return.  It is God's greatest gift to us--His Son, Jesus Christ, whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas Day.  Jesus is the real meaning of Christmas.  Because He is God's perfect gift to us, He is priceless.  Jesus is the right one for us.  He is the Lamb of God.

When we trust in Jesus, He gives us no cause for aggravation or disappointment.  He is the ultimate gift.  He lived His life for us.  He lived the perfect life in order to die and pay the price for our sins.

Reflecting on God's gift to me makes me wonder why I would need to receive any other gift for Christmas at all.  Others can try to find a "perfect" gift for me, and I can try to find one for them, but we will never succeed.  God has already given it to us.

Each of us can relate to having received a gift at one time or another at Christmas that we did not like at all.  Have you ever been afraid to return a gift for fear you might hurt the giver's feelings? Or have you returned a gift and regretted it because you later told the giver and he or she was hurt?

Knowing the pain of rejection we may feel over the return of a gift we have given, imagine God's pain when someone rejects His perfect gift.  He is so much greater than we are, and His gift is that much greater than any that we give.

It is baffling why anyone would reject the Son of God.  He is God's ultimate expression of love for us.  This Christmas we will see many people not even acknowledging the birth of Christ.  Their focus will be on secular activities, such as visits with Santa Claus.

We see people all around us rejecting Christ daily.  And it is even more painful to watch family and friends reject Him.

At Christmas, let us pray that others come to know the love of God and accept His most perfect gift to us.  Help lead others to Him.

It is the sincere hope and prayer of the undersigned that you found this devotional article to be a blessing.  Until tomorrow when, Lord willing the last of these articles will be presented, I remain your obedient servant of the One who lived, died and now lives forever to bring us His salvation and peace, Paul Barnabas.

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