[Faith-talk] FW: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] Activate the power by Gloria Copeland

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Wed Feb 2 19:27:38 UTC 2011

Original Message: 
From: Donna Kiser <kiserdonna5 at gmail.com>
To: URCTCPrayerGroup2 at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] Activate the power by Gloria Copeland
Wed, 2 Feb 2011 14:19:31 -0500

 Activate the PowerGloria Copeland

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we
or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

- Ephesians 3:20

As a believer, you have the power of the Holy Spirit inside you. But that
power won't go to work until you put it to work!

The Holy Spirit won't just muscle in on you. He won't come in and turn
the television set and jerk you up off the couch and say, "Now you listen

No, He's a gentleman. He's sent to help you to do the will of God, to
strengthen you, to counsel you...but He won't do a thing until He's asked.

That's why the book of James says if you're in trouble or afflicted,
It's prayer that puts the power within you to work.

Just think about that. The Spirit of Almighty God. The Spirit that
over the face of the deep and carried out God's Word at creation, that
Spirit is inside you--waiting for you to call on Him!

If Jesus came into your house and sat down at your table, you'd put aside
everything to talk to Him, wouldn't you? You wouldn't just rush through
say, "Jesus, I'm so glad to see you. I wish I had the energy to talk to
but You wouldn't believe what kind of a day I had today. I mean,
in the world went wrong and now I'm just too tired to do anything but lay
here and watch TV. Maybe we can spend some time together later."

You wouldn't do that, would you? No! If Jesus were sitting there in your
room where you could see Him, you'd fall on your face and begin to worship
Him. You wouldn't care how tired you were or what kind of day you had.
jump at the opportunity to fellowship with Him.

The Holy Ghost is in you. He's waiting on you. He's ready any time of the
day or night. He's saying, "I'm here to help you and strengthen you. I
to comfort you today. You know that problem you've been having? I want to
help you get that out of your life.

The Holy Spirit has some things He wants to show you--things you've been
trying to figure out on your own. He's waiting there with the power to
overcome every obstacle in your life. Take time to pray. Pray in the
Pray with understanding. Pray and activate the power that worketh within

*Scripture Reading:* Ephesians 3:16-21

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*He Who lives in you is greater than he who is in the world.*

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