[Faith-talk] Prayers for a Successful Knee Surgery Tomorrow

Mary Donahue braille at satx.rr.com
Tue Feb 8 23:03:56 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,

    As promised to some of you, I said I would send a prayer request out 
once I had more details. For those who already know, I apologize. For those 
who do not know, I have experience constant knee pain in my right knee since 
the end of April. In fact, during the national convention, it was bothering 
me some. It especially bothered me when I got up and sat down, and this past 
week, it has bothered me standing and walking as well.

    Last October, our primary care physician referred me to an orthopedic 
surgeon in our part of town. After preliminary X rays and an MRI scan, I 
went back to receive an injection. By that time, it was Veterans Day, and 
unfortunately, the injection lasted only a week. I went back at the end of 
December. I had the chance to either go through a series of five injections 
or to have my meniscus (the cartilage between the kneebone and the kneecap) 

    Needless to say, I will be having a kneescope, a type of arthroscopic 
surgery, on my right knee tomorrow afternoon around one o'clock or 
thereabouts at the Physicians Ambulatory Surgical Center, one of San 
Antonio's many outpatient clinics, and also in our old neighborhood. I will 
be off work the next three days, but because there is so much proofreading 
at work, my supervisor and her bosses are allowing me to proofread from home 
until I have my postoperative follow-up on the twenty-fourth. Is that unique 
or what? It is definitely something I can talk about at a NAPUB meeting, but 
that's for another list.

    In a nutshell, please keep me in your prayers during and after my 
surgery, and I will keep you all posted. After I go back to working outside 
of home, I will be receiving physical therapy. For now, a home health aide 
will come to check the incision.

    In the meantime, thank you in advance for your prayers, and I will stay 
in touch.

Mary Donahue

"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
Garrison Keillor 

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