[Faith-talk] A song I like!

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Fri Jul 1 09:44:35 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
I had heard this particular song, on the Internet, but couldn't
understand the lyrics.
Well, I found the lyrics, online, and love it!
"He's Everywhere," by Sunny James.
Vs:1. Through storms of fear and doubt I sailed.
My eyes were blinded by a vail.
I saw no beauty, anywhere in anything.
Then, I drew near the cross where he
in shame and sorrow, died for me.
My vail was lifted, and he taught my heart to sing.
Chorus: I see him in a baby's smile.
I can hear him in the wind that sighs.
He loves me, and I know not why.
He's everywhere.
He calls me from a world up there.
I seek him, and I find him there.
He's in my heart.
I feel him there.
He's everywhere.

Blessings, Joshua

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