[Faith-talk] FW: [thefamilyoffaith] GOOD MORNING INSPIRATIONAL

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Sun Jul 17 07:46:57 UTC 2011

Original Message: 
From: "Mary Ann" <serenity77 at shaw.ca>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: [thefamilyoffaith] GOOD MORNING INSPIRATIONAL
Sat, 16 Jul 2011 07:27:04 -0600


                  As we walk along our path of life,
                  We meet people every day,
                  Most are simply met by chance,
                  But some are sent our way.

                  These become the special friends
                  Whose bond we can't explain,
                  The ones who understand us
                  And share our joy and pain.

                  Their love contains no boundaries,
                  So even when apart,
                  Their presence still embraces us
                  With a warmth felt in the heart.

                  This love becomes a passageway
                  Where even the miles disappear,
                  And the special friends life sends our way
                  Remain forever near.

                  ~Author Unknown~


                  Slow down long enough today
                  to recall a beautiful memory
                  of someone special who inspired you,
                  shared with you,
                  and went an extra mile for you.

                  Let the warm memories
                  of an old friend, a teacher,
                  or a beloved family member
                  lift your spirit,
                  and close the door on
                  negative thinking.

                  Such warm memories
                  will renew your hope
                  and make your whole day more beautiful!

                  LET'S HELP AS WE PASS

                  As we pass through life's narrow way

                  We should try to help someone every day.

                  We do not know what life has here for us

                  So we should do all we can without a fuss.

                  When our turn for help comes around

                  By helping others in our past we are found.

                  Remember, the one they pass may be your child

                  And this would surely drive you wild.

                  It could also be someone very special to you

                  And we know that there are only truly a few.

                  As you think of this and take in a deep sigh

                  I know you surely wouldn't want them to die.

                  So you need to help others from the heart

                  And this way you would have done your part.

                  Sometimes we see things not enjoyable to see,

                  But remember that next time if could be you or me.

                  Remember to do it with a heart of love 

                  And you will rewarded from above. 

                  By doing this every day,

                  You become stronger in every way!

                  ~J.D. "Flipper" Harper~

                  Dear Lord,

                  Our world is filled with so much chaos, 
                  pain and suffering... so many living in discomfort. 
                  You are the only one who has the answers 
                  and the solution to all of these problems.
                  If only we will learn to totally trust in You
                  and let YOU be our Strength! 
                  I ask this in Jesus name. 

                  Have a blessed day!




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