[Faith-talk] One God, Three Persons

Tom Vos vost at iowatelecom.net
Fri Jun 3 18:40:41 UTC 2011

I realize that this list includes people from many faith traditions, but I
wish to make clear that the Christian Church has been overwhelmingly united
in affirming the Trinity.

The idea that Jesus once existed as Father, then as the Man, Jesus, and now
is manifest as the Holy Spirit is a teaching the church rejected early on in
its history as heresy.
Of course you can find people in the history of the early church who
believed this teaching, called modalism, but that doesn't mean it was the
predominant teaching of the church.
Nor as the church coming up with its own concoction.   This teaching of the
Trinity arose out of a very careful study of Scripture and has stood the
test of time.

I found the following website that contains a helpful examination of the
biblical evidence.

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