[Faith-talk] Farewell.

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Tue Jun 14 16:26:25 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
It's almost been a year, since I subscribed to this list.
I've enjoyed my time here, but have found that I'm not welcome here.
It seems that my beliefs aren't welcome.
I'm unsubscribing from this list.
I love everyone of you, and I want to leave you in peace.
It's been nice knowing all of you, and I hope to see you at
convention, next year, but I'm not posting anymore.
Just one more thought about my beliefs before I go.
Revelation 4:2, tells us that there's only one throne in Heaven, and
one sits on that throne.
You can't have 3 people on one throne.
I wanted to share that, in my other discussions, but they got cut off.
I'm leaving you with this.
Blessings, and goodbye.
Joshua Lester

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