[Faith-talk] Random thoughts for today

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Wed Jun 15 13:57:28 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
I want to start off by saying, that I appreciated the encouragement, yesterday.
It's because of you that have encouraged me, that I've decided to stay.
Now, as I was meditating this morning, this thought came to me.
Philipians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ, which
strengtheneth me."
I thought before, that Jesus would just strengthen me, which he does.
This: however, is the meaning of the verse.
You see, that contrary to what some denominations teach, Christ is not
Jesus's last name.
Here's a Hebrew lesson.
If you were in those days, your name would be, your first name, "Ben,"
and your father's name.
Jesus's name would have been Yeshua Ben Yoseph, (Jesus Ben Joseph.)
Christ comes from the Greek word, "Christos," which means the
anointing, or anointed one.
This blessed me!
The Bible calls the Holy Ghost, "Christ in you, the hope of glory."
The anointing comes from the Holy Ghost!
That's how you're strengthened.
I don't see how anyone can truly make it without the Holy Ghost.
I'm not here to debate this, but after seeing this, it makes me wonder.
I lost my grandmother 12 weeks ago today.
Sure, I was sad, but i still had joy.
I stayed strong, because I had the Holy Ghost.
The joy of the Lord, is my strength, and I get that joy through
Christ, (the anointing,) (the Holy Ghost.)

I hope this blessed you, like it has blessed me.
Blessings, Joshua

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