[Faith-talk] Thank you.

Alan Wheeler awheeler65 at windstream.net
Wed Jun 22 13:38:25 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,
I have to apologize. I was unexpectedly called away from home (and therefore
my computer) when my fiancee wound up in the hospital Sunday night while
visiting me here in Lincoln. She is recovering nicely at this point, but we
do covet your prayers.

I noticed that, in my unexplained absence, the list has stayed on an even
keel and I want to thank you, one and all, for that. It is greatly
appreciated. I apologize I couldn't inform you I would be gone, but things
happened so suddenly, it was impossible to give any advanced notice.

Again, thank you, and please continue to pray.


"Grace is getting a high five from God even when you know yourself to be a
sinner." Smuts Van Rooyen 
Seventh-day Adventist Kansas/Nebraska camp meeting
Psalms 33:3 Psalms 150:5

Alan Wheeler 
Lincoln, Nebraska 
awheeler65 at windstream.net 

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