[Faith-talk] Daily BlessingsTailor Made

Melody Wartenbee mlwartenbee at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 18:52:07 UTC 2011

Max Lucado Daily: Tailor-Made 

. Tailor-Made 
. He Meets Your Needs 
. God Does Strange Things 
. God Leads Us 
. The Purpose In Our Pain 
. God Loves What Is Right 
. He Loved It 
. You Have A Choice 
. He Was Like You 
. You Need A Savior 
Posted: 23 Jan 2011 10:01 PM PST
"Receive the kingdom God has prepared for you since the world was made."
Matthew 25:34 
The problem with this world is that it doesn't fit. Oh, it will do for now,
but it isn't tailor-made. We were made to live with God, but on earth we
live by faith. We were made to live forever, but on this earth we live but
for a moment. We were made to live holy lives, but this world is stained by
This world wears like a borrowed shirt. Heaven will fit like one

He Meets Your Needs 
Posted: 23 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"Don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries."
Matthew 6:34 
God liberated his children from slavery and created a path through the sea.
He gave them a cloud to follow in the day and fire to see at night. And he
gave them food . . . 
Each morning the manna came. Each evening the quail appeared. "Trust me.
Trust me and I will give you what you need." The people were told to take
just enough for one day. Their needs would be met, one day at a time. 

God Does Strange Things 
Posted: 22 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you." Isaiah 26:3 
Have you got God figured out? If so, then listen . . . 
Hear the rocks meant for the adulterous woman drop to the ground . . . 
Listen to the widow of Nain eating dinner with her son who is supposed to be
dead . . . 
God . . . doing the strangest of things. Stretching smiles where there had
hung only frowns. Placing twinkles where there were only tears. 

God Leads Us 
Posted: 21 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it." Matthew 6:27 
Anxiety is an expensive habit. Of course, it might be worth the cost if it
worked. But it doesn't. Our frets are futile.
Worry has never brightened a day, solved a problem, or cured a disease.
God leads us. God will do the right thing at the right time. And what a
difference that makes. 

The Purpose In Our Pain 
Posted: 20 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"Your faith makes you offer your lives as a sacrifice in serving God."
Philippians 2:17 
When we face struggles, we often wonder, Why? Years from now, though, we may
realize that it was those struggles that taught us something we could not
have otherwise learned-that there was a purpose in our pain. God's purpose
is greater than your pain, and he has a greater purpose than your problems. 

God Loves What Is Right 
Posted: 19 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"Love . . . does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the
truth." I Corinthians 13:6 NASB 
Isn't it good to know that even when we don't love with a perfect love, God
does? He always nourishes what is right. He always applauds what is right.
He has never done wrong, led one person to do wrong, or rejoiced when anyone
did wrong. For he is love, and love "does not rejoice in unrighteousness,
but rejoices with the truth." 

He Loved It 
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 NKJV 
Of all we don't know about creation, there is one thing we do know-God did
it with a smile. He must've had a blast. Painting the stripes on the zebra,
hanging the stars in the sky, putting the gold in the sunset. What
Like a whistling carpenter in his workshop, he loved every bit of it. He
poured himself into the work. So intent was his creativity that he took a
day off at the end of the week just to rest. 

You Have A Choice 
Posted: 17 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"I expect and hope . . . to show the greatness of Christ in my life here on
earth, whether I live or die." Philippians 1:20 
It would have been nice if God had let us order life like we order a meal.
I'll take good health and a high IQ. I'll pass on the music skills but give
me a fast metabolism . . . Would've been nice. But it didn't happen. When it
came to your life on earth, you weren't given a voice or a vote.
But when it comes to life after death, you were. In my book, that seems like
a good deal. Wouldn't you agree? 

He Was Like You 
Posted: 16 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:14 NKJV 
Jesus went to great pains to be as human as the guy down the street. He
didn't need to study, but he still went to the synagogue. He had no need for
income, but he still worked in the workshop . . . And upon his shoulders
rested the challenge of redeeming creation, but he still took time to walk
ninety miles from Jericho to Cana to attend a wedding.
As a result, people liked him. 

You Need A Savior 
Posted: 15 Jan 2011 04:01 AM PST
"What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27 NIV 
The rich young ruler thought heaven was just a payment away. It only made
sense. You work hard, pay your dues, and "zap"-your account is credited as
paid in full. Jesus said, "No way." What you want costs way more than you
can pay. You don't need a system, you need a Savior. You don't need a
resume, you need a Redeemer. For "what is impossible with me is possible
with God." 

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