[Faith-talk] My Take

Jeanette nettiecosp at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 13:40:29 UTC 2011

the major issue as i see it is that if you are going to use the bible as the 
inspired word of God, there is as i see it, no scripture to support a secnd 
chance after death.  i belive that our  all knowing and all loving god  has 
it all under control and our responsibility is to share the gospel, the true 
gospel that Christ is the way the truth and the life and no oe comes to the 
Father except through Him, the rest is up to god and i figure He really 
knows the truth and none of us do.
saying all religions lead to heaven goes against everything the bible 
teaches, at least that is my understanding.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "qubit" <lauraeaves at yahoo.com>
To: "Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion" 
<faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] My Take

> Hi Linda -- actually I don't think Kirt said that all roads or religions
> lead to heaven.    All he said was that the scriptures support -- even 
> state
> explicitly -- that the gospel is preached to the dead.    In the Lazarus
> story in Luke, the rich man is told that if his friends didn't accept or
> believe the prophets, then they would not accept the trute even if someone
> were raised from the dead.
> Those were Jews who had the prophecies.  What of persons born in a place
> where there is no chance of hearing of the Jewish and Christian 
> scriptures?
> All I think Kirt is saying is that perhaps they will have been prepared in
> other ways to know the truth, and some will be righteous and some not.  I
> think the Lord knows about the needs of everyone and so why should there 
> be
> a problem accepting that some will have an opportunity to hear the gospel
> after death?  Also, do, perhaps there will be a lot for Christian 
> believers
> to learn as well when Christ comes.
> Finally, I don't know what you meant by including the Hebrews verse.  It
> says man is appointed once to die.  I don't see the relevance, although it
> seems to be proof against reincarnation.
> Oh, and Kirt can answer about the BM, but I think the changes were things
> like dividing into chapters and verses, inserting headings and index and
> cross references, and a few minor typographical corrections.
> ------ Original Message ----- 
> From: "Linda Mentink" <mentink at frontiernet.net>
> To: "Faith-talk,for the discussion of faith and religion"
> <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 9:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [Faith-talk] My Take
> Hi Curt,
> The Bible says otherwise concerning accepting Christ after death.
> Please read Luke 16:19 through to the end of the chapter; John
> Chapter 3, and Hebrews 9:27. All religeons do not lead to eternal
> life in Heaven. There are many false teachers and many false
> doctrines being taught. The Bible is the only book that is inspired
> by God; see 2 Timothy 3:16.
> By the way, the book of Mormon has been revised since its first
> writing, as in changed, updated.
> Blessings,
> Linda
> At 09:06 PM 5/1/2011, you wrote:
>>To all,
>>   First off, I stand by all the opinions I've posted here thus far.  I
>>do think Christ is the only way...but I think all the other wonderful
>>divinely inspired religions out there prepare people to accept him
>>after death.  This one can be argued every which way (and it has
>>been), so I'll let it rest.  And, as to the Muslim question- I don't
>>regret anything I said, only the confrontational manner in which I
>>said it.
>>   So to anyone I offended or insulted in the heat of my emotions- I am
>>sincerely sorry.  We all have the right to have our opinions treated
>>with respect and dignity.  Nobody should feel afraid to speak their
>>mind because of fear their opinions may be insulted or belittled, and
>>I think I came a little too close to crossing that line.  Please
>>accept my sincere appologies...but also please understand that it
>>isn't fair or right to insult or mock others, simply for believing
>>differently.  I absolutely do not regret standing up for my dear
>>Muslim friends-I'd do it again and I'm sure I'll probably have to many
>>more times.  But I didn't have to make it personal, and I think I made
>>that mistake.  So, I genuinely am sorry for any venom I added to the
>>list, and I certainly didn't mean to mock anyone personally.
>>   God bless,
>>On 5/1/11, Linda Mentink <mentink at frontiernet.net> wrote:
>> > Hi Laura,
>> >
>> > yes, it is a scary thought.
>> >
>> > Well, I take time from the computer to bond with my digital player!
>> > Smile.
>> >
>> > At 06:59 AM 5/1/2011, you wrote:
>> >>Hi Linda -- I like your take... I was wondering why your voice had not
>> >>been
>> >>heard in a while with all this discussion.
>> >>Actually there are over a billion Islamic persons in the world, so even
>> >>saying that only a third of them are out to get us is a scary thought.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>----- Original Message -----
>> >>From: "Linda Mentink" <mentink at frontiernet.net>
>> >>To: <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> >>Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2011 9:54 PM
>> >>Subject: [Faith-talk] My Take
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Hi all,
>> >>
>> >>Well, you all have been busy the last few days. I've had the computer
>> >>off since Tuesday night, and I turned it on this afternoon to find
>> >>all your posts.
>> >>
>> >>Now, let me say from the get-go that I'm an Independent Baptist, and
>> >>am in a church where we use only the KJV during our worship services.
>> >>According to the Bible, the heart is deceitful, and desperately
>> >>wicked (Jeremiah 17:9), and our rightiousness is as filthy rags
>> >>(Isaiah 64:6 I think). So, none of us is good enough to make it to
>> >>heaven. Only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ, the one and
>> >>only Mediator between God and man, can we become heirs with Christ.
>> >>Ephesians tells us, For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that
>> >>not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man
>> >>should boast. When Christ lives in us, we want to do good works; but
>> >>our works won't do anything to earn us a place in heaven.  If
>> >>everyone was guaranteed a place, there would be no need for a
>> >>Saviour, and His sacrifice would be cheapened.
>> >>
>> >>In the Old Testament, there were many who were the type of Christ,
>> >>but they were under the law, and had to sacrifice a lamb, or whatever
>> >>they could afford, such as a dove or pigeon. Christ became that Lamb,
>> >>and paid the price for our sin. Most people will not be in heaven;
>> >>narrow is the way, and few there are who walk in it.
>> >>
>> >>We are not to judge others, but we can know many things about them if
>> >>we know our Bibles, and compare ourselves and others to what our Lord
>> >>has given us--His example in Christ. There is none righteous, no, not
>> >>one.
>> >>
>> >>Just as there are many different Christian churches, there are many
>> >>different degrees of Muslem, and so forth. Only about one-third of
>> >>the Muslems are radical Muslems, those who will do what they believe
>> >>they must to irradicate infidels from off the face of the earth. They
>> >>believe that they will rule, and the infedels are Christians and
>> >>Jews; therefore, they want to wipe Israel (the little Satan) and the
>> >>United States (the big Satan) off the map. Also, the Koran keeps
>> >>changing, and not all English translations are what the Arabic really
>> >>says. Pay attention to the news, and you will understand more. And,
>> >>read the book I suggested.
>> >>
>> >>There is much more that I could say, but I'll stop with this: this
>> >>list is for the discussion of faith, but please take care not to
>> >>argue with each other. And, please change the subject lines! Smile.
>> >>
>> >>Blessings,
>> >>
>> >>Linda
>> >>
>> >>
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>> >>
>> >>
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