[Faith-talk] FW: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] URCTC Prayer Group 2 Devotional: Setting Right Priorities by Derek Prince

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Tue Nov 29 05:36:03 UTC 2011

Original Message: 
From: "BeeJay" <beejayokla at cox.net>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: [URCTCPrayerGroup2] URCTC Prayer Group 2 Devotional: Setting
Right Priorities by Derek Prince
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:03:57 -0600


Setting Right Priorities

      Psalm 90:12
      Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of
wisdom. NIV

 What does that mean, "to number our days aright"? Well, let me ask you
another question. If I were to ask you, "What is the thing in your life
that you find hardest to manage? What is the thing that you so often find
yourself short of, that you don't have enough of?" What would you answer?

 You might perhaps think money, but in my experience there's one thing
that's much harder to manage than money, something that I'm much more often
short of than money and that is time. I believe time is the hardest thing
to manage properly in our lives. I believe that the stewardship of time is
perhaps the supreme test of our discipline and our real Christianity. And
so I pray like the psalmist, "Teach me to number my days aright." Teach me
to set my priorities aright, teach me to give enough time to the things
that matter most.
 You see, your priorities of time really indicate the values of your
life. Things that have low priority probably will drop off the bottom of
the list. If you don't give high priority to the things that really matter,
your life will be out of order. So you, like me, need to echo that prayer,
"Teach me to number my days aright, teach me right priorities, teach me to
manage my time."

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