[Faith-talk] Fwd: Pastors removal from television (wlh)

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Fri Oct 28 02:51:43 UTC 2011

I'll sure be listening, Ryan.
Please send me the link to the show.
I agree with you about the government interference.
It is sad, but someone needs to step up.
It should be the mainstream Christians.
I'd also like for you to play traditional African-American Gospel quartet music.
Thanks, Joshua

On 10/27/11, Ryan Kwaak <kwaakproductions at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well now David Jeremiah and Charles Stanley are excellent preachers,
> and although I believe Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen distort the truth
> in some form or fashion, that does not give the government a right to
> shut them down. Anyone who thinks the government can walk all over our
> religious freedoms should go back and read the First Amendment to the
> Constitution. Let the free market decide who goes and who stays. I can
> already see it happening to Harold Camping who, after a string of
> several failed predictions of the Second Coming, is already getting
> calls from CBS and another Christian group asking to buy some of his
> radio stations. And as for the whole contemporary vs. traditional
> music debate, who am I to judge? If something is drawing you into
> God's presence, keep using it. As long as the inner spirit is
> worshiping God, the outward manifestations are all equally valid
> regardless of the form your worship takes. But let me say for the
> record, in my humble, biased opinion, that nothing takes the place of
> old-time hymns and southern gospel/bluegrass quartet singing. If you
> haven't heard it, you should. I may actually do an Internet radio show
> featuring that style of music in response to some people at the NFB of
> Illinois who have encouraged me to get back on the air. But that would
> be a blatant plug, so I'll shut up now.
> On 10/27/11, Andrew Edgcumbe <andrewjedg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I to love the   hymns and things  like that there are some good newer
>> songs out there and things to though i feel. I  see where you are
>> coming from with the world  the newere christian songs worship stuff
>> is pretty good i feel.
>> Now some christian rock or stuff that sounds like rock may be
>> questionable when it comes to wrap but the new worship songs i find
>> are fine from artists like chris tomlin  jesus caulture    robin mark
>> few like that. I love hill song and things.
>> On 10/27/11, Joshua Lester <jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu> wrote:
>>> Brother Edgcamp:
>>> There are some preachers that I respect.
>>> Joyce Myer is one of them.
>>> I was dealing with Joel Ostine's support of Chrislam.
>>> That is why he had to go, IMO.
>>> Rick Warren's influence has all but ruined the modern church, by the
>>> removal of the cross of Christ from the messages, and the replacement
>>> of hymns, with CCM.
>>> The new worship songs sound like the world's music.
>>> I miss "At the Cross," "Amazing Grace," "I am Thine Oh Lord," "Savior
>>> like a shepherd Leadeth," etc.
>>> Why turn away from the old landmarks?
>>> Why not talk about the cross, the blood, sin, etc?
>>> Warren even wants to replace the words, "saved," and "lost," with
>>> "churched, and unchurched."
>>> That isn't right, because there are church members, (no matter what
>>> affiliation,) that aren't saved.
>>> You can have a head knowledge, but if Jesus isn't in your heart, you
>>> aren't saved, so "churched, and unchurched," wants to make people
>>> comfortable in their sin, instead of convicting them of their sin.
>>> We need to get back to the cross!
>>> Blessings, Joshua
>>> On 10/27/11, Andrew Edgcumbe <andrewjedg at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I am sorry about all i said in a preavious email but I just felt like
>>>> it needed to say something i don't like judging a particular preacher
>>>> and flaming somebody because god is the one that takes care of them
>>>> when they stand before him and we  are not to critisize each other
>>>> because we don't like a particular persons believe or other christians
>>>> this is what causes devision.
>>>> On 10/27/11, Amy Ragain <belovedconsecrated2god at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Ryan,
>>>>> I must admit that I didnt even notice til you asked that there was no
>>>>> websites given!
>>>>> I think I was just angered and appoled at such a law!
>>>>> after reading it again I also noticed that the numbered list of names
>>>>> has
>>>>> no
>>>>> rhyme or reason to it...the numbers aren't in order some of time...
>>>>> I'm sorry to everyone! I cannot say that this was actually a leget
>>>>> message!
>>>>> On Oct 27, 2011, at 8:16 PM, Ryan Kwaak wrote:
>>>>>> How far has this gone? It seems I read a similar email back in 2009.
>>>>>> This mentions no website to get more news on the issue nor does it
>>>>>> reveal anything about this Lisa Norman, nor does it say what the
>>>>>> undersigned names will be used for. My suspicion is this is a scam or
>>>>>> just vanity chain-mail. If someone could provide a website to get news
>>>>>> on what's going on, that would be appreciated.
>>>>>> On 10/27/11, Amy Ragain <belovedconsecrated2god at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>>>>> From: Kristy Massey <kristy at masseynetwork.com>
>>>>>>>> Date: October 26, 2011 5:24:59 PM CDT
>>>>>>>> To: "Ms. Anita P. Roybal" <nana.elvis at hotmail.com>, "Mrs. Kathy
>>>>>>>> Brokering"
>>>>>>>> <kathybrokering at gmail.com>, Susie Davis <nanasusie_6 at yahoo.com>,
>>>>>>>> "Mrs.
>>>>>>>> Elaine Bugger" <cebugger at gmail.com>, "Miss Amy E. Ragain"
>>>>>>>> <loveroftheking at hotmail.com>, "Mrs. Billie S. Ragain"
>>>>>>>> <kaleidoscope4you at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: Pastors removal from television (wlh)
>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>> Jerry and Venda Hanley
>>>>>>>>>  Subject: Fw: Fw: Pastors removal from television (wlh)
>>>>>>>>>   -
>>>>>>>>>> Read all the way through, please... instructions at the END!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>> Removal of 20, including Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Charles
>>>>>>>>>> Stanley, David Jeremiah and other pastors from the airwaves.
>>>>>>>>>> An organization has been granted a Federal Hearing on the same
>>>>>>>>>> subject by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in
>>>>>>>>>> Washington, D.C. Their petition, Number 2493, would ultimately
>>>>>>>>>> pave the way to stop the reading of the gospel of our Lord and
>>>>>>>>>> Savior, on the airwaves ofAmerica . They got 287,000 signatures
>>>>>>>>>> to back their stand! If this attempt is successful, all Sunday
>>>>>>>>>> worship services being broadcast on the radio or by television
>>>>>>>>>> will be stopped..
>>>>>>>>>> This group is also campaigning to remove all Christmas programs
>>>>>>>>>> and Christmas carols from public schools! You, as a Christian,
>>>>>>>>>> can help!
>>>>>>>>>> We are praying for at least 1 million signatures. This would
>>>>>>>>>> defeat their effort and show that there are many Christians alive,
>>>>>>>>>> well and concerned about our country.. As Christians, we must
>>>>>>>>>> unite on this.
>>>>>>>>>> Please don't take this lightly. We ignored one lady once and lost
>>>>>>>>>> prayer in our schools and in offices across the nation. Please
>>>>>>>>>> stand
>>>>>>>>>> up for your religious freedom and let your voice be heard.
>>>>>>>>>> Together we can make a difference in our country while creating
>>>>>>>>>> an opportunity for the lost to know the Lord.
>>>>>>>>>> Please, if you don't wish to participate, return this email to
>>>>>>>>>> who-
>>>>>>>>>> ever sent it to you so they can at least keep this email going or
>>>>>>>>>> forward it to someone you know who will wish to participate.
>>>>>>>>>> Dr. Dobson is going on CNBC to urge every Christian to get
>>>>>>>>>> involved. I hope you will sign and forward to all your family
>>>>>>>>>> and friends.. Please press forward, CLEAN UP THE MESSAGE,
>>>>>>>>>> and forward this to everyone you think should read this.....
>>>>>>>>>> Now, please sign your name at the bottom (you can only add
>>>>>>>>>> your name after you have pressed 'Forward' or you have copied
>>>>>>>>>> and pasted the text).
>>>>>>>>>> Don't delete any other names, just go to the next number and
>>>>>>>>>> type your name. Please do not sign jointly, such as Mr. & Mrs.,
>>>>>>>>>> each person should sign his/her own name. Please defeat this
>>>>>>>>>> organization and keep the light of our freedom of religion.
>>>>>>>>>> When you get to 1,000 please e-mail back to: Lisa Norman
>>>>>>>>>> email address is:
>>>>>>>>>> electricyello at hotmail.com
>>>>>>>>>> Those of you who don't know how to add your name - hit forward
>>>>>>>>>> first and then just add your name at the bottom of the numbered
>>>>>>>>>> names and then forward it on to your friends. So many people
>>>>>>>>>> do not know this and are forwarding it without their names added.
>>>>>>>>>> 72. Donna Harding
>>>>>>>>>> 73. Chad Harding
>>>>>>>>>> 74. larry doran
>>>>>>>>>> 688. Robert Cornett - FL
>>>>>>>>>> 689. Linda Cornett - FL
>>>>>>>>>> 690. PEARL MITCHELL
>>>>>>>>>> 691. EARL MITCHELL
>>>>>>>>>> 692. Robert Cornett, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 693. Claire Cornett, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 694. Donald Bradford. MS
>>>>>>>>>> 695. Linda Bradford, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 696. Jennifer McNutt, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 697. David Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 698. Melinda Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 699. Vicki Leggett,MS
>>>>>>>>>> 700. DAPHNE WILKERSON, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 701. Martha Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 702. James Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 703. Bill Rigby, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 704. Janis F. Watts, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 705. DeLois F. Killen, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 706. Kate F. Thomas, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707. Barbara M. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708. Lex C. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707 Vivia Gunn, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708 W Wayne Wood, Ms.
>>>>>>>>>>   709 Patsy Collins,Ms.
>>>>>>>>>> 710. Mira Murray, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 711 Kenneth Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 712 Jana Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 713 CW ALFORD
>>>>>>>>>> 714 Paula Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 715. Dianne Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 716. Stan Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 717. Jenell Graham
>>>>>>>>>> 718 - Wanda Eady
>>>>>>>>>> 719 Betty Clark
>>>>>>>>>> 720 LaVaugn Tisdale
>>>>>>>>>> 721 Gary D Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 722 Gary L Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 723 Vanell Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 724 Barbara Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 725 Mark Marshall , Tx
>>>>>>>>>> 726 Marty Haley
>>>>>>>>>> 727 Kay Haley, LA
>>>>>>>>>> 728 John Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 729 Donna Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 730 Joseph Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 731Donna Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 732 Dawn Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 733 Bob Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 734 Norma Lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 735 Joe lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 736 Nancy Wellner
>>>>>>>>>> 737 Kathy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 738 Roy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 739 Bev Arnold
>>>>>>>>>> 740. Terry Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 741  June Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 742  J. Larry Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 743 Carolyn S. Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 744  Harold Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 745  Greta Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 746  Coy Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 747  Lalar Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 748  Zondal Cagle
>>>>>>>>>> 749 Richard Connor
>>>>>>>>>> 750 Cindy May
>>>>>>>>>> 751 Kevin Hunter
>>>>>>>>>> 752 Don Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 753 Patsy Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 754 David Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 755 Wendy Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 756 Travis Simmons
>>>>>>>>>> 757  Barbara Williams
>>>>>>>>>> 758 Terry Chancey
>>>>>>>>>> 759 Donna Wilkinson
>>>>>>>>>> 760 Nancy Huff
>>>>>>>>>> 761 Vicki Lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 762 Cliff Richards
>>>>>>>>>> 763 Pat Fuller
>>>>>>>>>> 764  Cathy Carter
>>>>>>>>>> 765  Walter B Smith    Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 766  Janice P Smith  Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 767  Phil Potts
>>>>>>>>>> 768  Jackie Roose  CA
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 770  Linda Warm
>>>>>>>>>> 771 Russell Garrard
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>>   800 Harold W. Ledford
>>>>>>>>>> 801 Robn Ledfordi
>>>>>>>>>> 802 Jean Carlisle
>>>>>>>>>> 803 Debi Kilgore Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>> Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 698. Melinda Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 699. Vicki Leggett,MS
>>>>>>>>>> 700. DAPHNE WILKERSON, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 701. Martha Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 702. James Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 703. Bill Rigby, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 704. Janis F. Watts, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 705. DeLois F. Killen, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 706. Kate F. Thomas, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707. Barbara M. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708. Lex C. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707 Vivia Gunn, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708 W Wayne Wood, Ms.
>>>>>>>>>>   709 Patsy Collins,Ms.
>>>>>>>>>> 710. Mira Murray, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 711 Kenneth Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 712 Jana Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 713 CW ALFORD
>>>>>>>>>> 714 Paula Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 715. Dianne Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 716. Stan Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 717. Jenell Graham
>>>>>>>>>> 718 - Wanda Eady
>>>>>>>>>> 719 Betty Clark
>>>>>>>>>> 720 LaVaugn Tisdale
>>>>>>>>>> 721 Gary D Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 722 Gary L Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 723 Vanell Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 724 Barbara Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 725 Mark Marshall , Tx
>>>>>>>>>> 726 Marty Haley
>>>>>>>>>> 727 Kay Haley, LA
>>>>>>>>>> 728 John Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 729 Donna Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 730 Joseph Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 731Donna Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 732 Dawn Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 733 Bob Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 734 Norma Lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 735 Joe lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 736 Nancy Wellner
>>>>>>>>>> 737 Kathy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 738 Roy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 739 Bev Arnold
>>>>>>>>>> 740. Terry Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 741  June Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 742  J. Larry Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 743 Carolyn S. Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 744  Harold Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 745  Greta Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 746  Coy Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 747  Lalar Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 748  Zondal Cagle
>>>>>>>>>> 749 Richard Connor
>>>>>>>>>> 750 Cindy May
>>>>>>>>>> 751 Kevin Hunter
>>>>>>>>>> 752 Don Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 753 Patsy Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 754 David Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 755 Wendy Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 756 Travis Simmons
>>>>>>>>>> 757  Barbara Williams
>>>>>>>>>> 758 Terry Chancey
>>>>>>>>>> 759 Donna Wilkinson
>>>>>>>>>> 760 Nancy Huff
>>>>>>>>>> 761 Vicki Lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 762 Cliff Richards
>>>>>>>>>> 763 Pat Fuller
>>>>>>>>>> 764  Cathy Carter
>>>>>>>>>> 765  Walter B Smith    Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 766  Janice P Smith  Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 767  Phil Potts
>>>>>>>>>> 768  Jackie Roose  CA
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 770  Linda Warm
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>>   800 Harold W. Ledford
>>>>>>>>>> 801 Robin Ledfordi
>>>>>>>>>> 802 Jean Carlisle
>>>>>>>>>> 803 Debi Kilgore Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>> Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 810 Becky Kluttz NC
>>>>>>>>>> 811 Larry Kluttz NC
>>>>>>>>>> 812 Mable Beam NC
>>>>>>>>>    813  Veronica Goff TN
>>>>>>>>> Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 698. Melinda Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 699. Vicki Leggett,MS
>>>>>>>>>> 700. DAPHNE WILKERSON, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 701. Martha Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 702. James Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 703. Bill Rigby, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 704. Janis F. Watts, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 705. DeLois F. Killen, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 706. Kate F. Thomas, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707. Barbara M. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708. Lex C. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707 Vivia Gunn, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708 W Wayne Wood, Ms.
>>>>>>>>>>   709 Patsy Collins,Ms.
>>>>>>>>>> 710. Mira Murray, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 711 Kenneth Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 712 Jana Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 713 CW ALFORD
>>>>>>>>>> 714 Paula Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 715. Dianne Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 716. Stan Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 717. Jenell Graham
>>>>>>>>>> 718 - Wanda Eady
>>>>>>>>>> 719 Betty Clark
>>>>>>>>>> 720 LaVaugn Tisdale
>>>>>>>>>> 721 Gary D Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 722 Gary L Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 723 Vanell Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 724 Barbara Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 725 Mark Marshall , Tx
>>>>>>>>>> 726 Marty Haley
>>>>>>>>>> 727 Kay Haley, LA
>>>>>>>>>> 728 John Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 729 Donna Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 730 Joseph Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 731Donna Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 732 Dawn Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 733 Bob Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 734 Norma Lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 735 Joe lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 736 Nancy Wellner
>>>>>>>>>> 737 Kathy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 738 Roy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 739 Bev Arnold
>>>>>>>>>> 740. Terry Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 741  June Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 742  J. Larry Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 743 Carolyn S. Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 744  Harold Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 745  Greta Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 746  Coy Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 747  Lalar Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 748  Zondal Cagle
>>>>>>>>>> 749 Richard Connor
>>>>>>>>>> 750 Cindy May
>>>>>>>>>> 751 Kevin Hunter
>>>>>>>>>> 752 Don Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 753 Patsy Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 754 David Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 755 Wendy Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 756 Travis Simmons
>>>>>>>>>> 757  Barbara Williams
>>>>>>>>>> 758 Terry Chancey
>>>>>>>>>> 759 Donna Wilkinson
>>>>>>>>>> 760 Nancy Huff
>>>>>>>>>> 761 Vicki Lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 762 Cliff Richards
>>>>>>>>>> 763 Pat Fuller
>>>>>>>>>> 764  Cathy Carter
>>>>>>>>>> 765  Walter B Smith    Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 766  Janice P Smith  Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 767  Phil Potts
>>>>>>>>>> 768  Jackie Roose  CA
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 770  Linda Warm
>>>>>>>>>> 771 Russell Garrard
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>>   800 Harold W. Ledford
>>>>>>>>>> 801 Robn Ledfordi
>>>>>>>>>> 802 Jean Carlisle
>>>>>>>>>> 803 Debi Kilgore Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>> Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 698. Melinda Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 699. Vicki Leggett,MS
>>>>>>>>>> 700. DAPHNE WILKERSON, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 701. Martha Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 702. James Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 703. Bill Rigby, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 704. Janis F. Watts, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 705. DeLois F. Killen, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 706. Kate F. Thomas, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707. Barbara M. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708. Lex C. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707 Vivia Gunn, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708 W Wayne Wood, Ms.
>>>>>>>>>>   709 Patsy Collins,Ms.
>>>>>>>>>> 710. Mira Murray, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 711 Kenneth Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 712 Jana Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 713 CW ALFORD
>>>>>>>>>> 714 Paula Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 715. Dianne Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 716. Stan Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 717. Jenell Graham
>>>>>>>>>> 718 - Wanda Eady
>>>>>>>>>> 719 Betty Clark
>>>>>>>>>> 720 LaVaugn Tisdale
>>>>>>>>>> 721 Gary D Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 722 Gary L Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 723 Vanell Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 724 Barbara Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 725 Mark Marshall , Tx
>>>>>>>>>> 726 Marty Haley
>>>>>>>>>> 727 Kay Haley, LA
>>>>>>>>>> 728 John Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 729 Donna Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 730 Joseph Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 731Donna Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 732 Dawn Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 733 Bob Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 734 Norma Lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 735 Joe lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 736 Nancy Wellner
>>>>>>>>>> 737 Kathy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 738 Roy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 739 Bev Arnold
>>>>>>>>>> 740. Terry Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 741  June Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 742  J. Larry Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 743 Carolyn S. Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 744  Harold Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 745  Greta Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 746  Coy Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 747  Lalar Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 748  Zondal Cagle
>>>>>>>>>> 749 Richard Connor
>>>>>>>>>> 750 Cindy May
>>>>>>>>>> 751 Kevin Hunter
>>>>>>>>>> 752 Don Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 753 Patsy Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 754 David Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 755 Wendy Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 756 Travis Simmons
>>>>>>>>>> 757  Barbara Williams
>>>>>>>>>> 758 Terry Chancey
>>>>>>>>>> 759 Donna Wilkinson
>>>>>>>>>> 760 Nancy Huff
>>>>>>>>>> 761 Vicki Lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 762 Cliff Richards
>>>>>>>>>> 763 Pat Fuller
>>>>>>>>>> 764  Cathy Carter
>>>>>>>>>> 765  Walter B Smith    Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 766  Janice P Smith  Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 767  Phil Potts
>>>>>>>>>> 768  Jackie Roose  CA
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 770  Linda Warm
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>>   800 Harold W. Ledford
>>>>>>>>>> 801 Robin Ledfordi
>>>>>>>>>> 802 Jean Carlisle
>>>>>>>>>> 803 Debi Kilgore Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>> Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 810 Becky Kluttz NC
>>>>>>>>>> 811 Larry Kluttz NC
>>>>>>>>>> 812 Mable Beam NC
>>>>>>>>>    813  Veronica Goff TN
>>>>>>>>> Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>> Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 698. Melinda Paris, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 699. Vicki Leggett,MS
>>>>>>>>>> 700. DAPHNE WILKERSON, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 701. Martha Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 702. James Eppstein, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 703. Bill Rigby, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 704. Janis F. Watts, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 705. DeLois F. Killen, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 706. Kate F. Thomas, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707. Barbara M. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708. Lex C. Mason, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 707 Vivia Gunn, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 708 W Wayne Wood, Ms.
>>>>>>>>>>   709 Patsy Collins,Ms.
>>>>>>>>>> 710. Mira Murray, MS
>>>>>>>>>> 711 Kenneth Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 712 Jana Trillet
>>>>>>>>>> 713 CW ALFORD
>>>>>>>>>> 714 Paula Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 715. Dianne Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 716. Stan Hayden
>>>>>>>>>> 717. Jenell Graham
>>>>>>>>>> 718 - Wanda Eady
>>>>>>>>>> 719 Betty Clark
>>>>>>>>>> 720 LaVaugn Tisdale
>>>>>>>>>> 721 Gary D Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 722 Gary L Thomas
>>>>>>>>>> 723 Vanell Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 724 Barbara Street, TX
>>>>>>>>>> 725 Mark Marshall , Tx
>>>>>>>>>> 726 Marty Haley
>>>>>>>>>> 727 Kay Haley, LA
>>>>>>>>>> 728 John Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 729 Donna Allbritton  CO.
>>>>>>>>>> 730 Joseph Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 731Donna Davis
>>>>>>>>>> 732 Dawn Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 733 Bob Brown
>>>>>>>>>> 734 Norma Lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 735 Joe lehosky
>>>>>>>>>> 736 Nancy Wellner
>>>>>>>>>> 737 Kathy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 738 Roy Solvig
>>>>>>>>>> 739 Bev Arnold
>>>>>>>>>> 740. Terry Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 741  June Conrad
>>>>>>>>>> 742  J. Larry Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 743 Carolyn S. Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 744  Harold Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 745  Greta Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 746  Coy Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 747  Lalar Grubb
>>>>>>>>>> 748  Zondal Cagle
>>>>>>>>>> 749 Richard Connor
>>>>>>>>>> 750 Cindy May
>>>>>>>>>> 751 Kevin Hunter
>>>>>>>>>> 752 Don Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 753 Patsy Jones
>>>>>>>>>> 754 David Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 755 Wendy Stafford
>>>>>>>>>> 756 Travis Simmons
>>>>>>>>>> 757  Barbara Williams
>>>>>>>>>> 758 Terry Chancey
>>>>>>>>>> 759 Donna Wilkinson
>>>>>>>>>> 760 Nancy Huff
>>>>>>>>>> 761 Vicki Lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 762 Cliff Richards
>>>>>>>>>> 763 Pat Fuller
>>>>>>>>>> 764  Cathy Carter
>>>>>>>>>> 765  Walter B Smith    Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 766  Janice P Smith  Georgia
>>>>>>>>>> 767  Phil Potts
>>>>>>>>>> 768  Jackie Roose  CA
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>> 770  Linda Warm
>>>>>>>>>> 769 Bil Walker
>>>>>>>>>>   800 Harold W. Ledford
>>>>>>>>>> 801 Robin Ledfordi
>>>>>>>>>> 802 Jean Carlisle
>>>>>>>>>> 803 Debi Kilgore Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>> Salisbury, NC
>>>>>>>>>> 804 wanda lee hawks
>>>>>>>>>> 805 james h lowe
>>>>>>>>>> 806 Betty Wayne Reid  NC
>>>>>>>>>> 807 Janice Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 809 Wayne Wilson NC
>>>>>>>>>> 810 Becky Kluttz NC
>>>>>>>>>> 811 Larry Kluttz NC
>>>>>>>>>> 812 Mable Beam NC
>>>>>>>>>    813  Veronica Goff TN
>>>>>>>>>    814  Joann Stanbro MO
>>>>>>>>>    815  Marquita Blansit MO
>>>>>>>>>    816  Donnie Blansit MO
>>>>>>>>>    817  Sherri Buck  MO
>>>>>>>>>    818  Craig Buck   MO
>>>>>>>>>    819   Joy Clegg    MO
>>>>>>>>>    820   Bruck Clegg MO
>>>>>>>>>    821  Jeremiah Hanley
>>>>>>>>>    822  Venda Hanley
>>>>>>>>> 823 Kristy Massey IL
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Faith-talk mailing list
>>>>>>> Faith-talk at nfbnet.org
>>>>>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/faith-talk_nfbnet.org
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>>>> Faith-talk mailing list
>>>> Faith-talk at nfbnet.org
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>>> Faith-talk mailing list
>>> Faith-talk at nfbnet.org
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>> Faith-talk at nfbnet.org
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> --
> Call (815) 315-9492) for a price quote.
> _______________________________________________
> Faith-talk mailing list
> Faith-talk at nfbnet.org
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/faith-talk_nfbnet.org
> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
> Faith-talk:
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/faith-talk_nfbnet.org/jlester8462%40students.pccua.edu

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