[Faith-talk] A disturbing discovery!

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Mon Sep 19 10:37:31 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester.
I've been going through church Websites, and Websites of famous tv
preachers, and radio preachers.
I'm disturbed by the number of these preachers, that don't have their
statement of faith, or beliefs on their site.
When you support these preachers, you'd better know what they believe.
There are two sites, that I'm really concerned about.
Tommy Bates, and Lee Sherrell are two preachers, who's sites don't
have a statement of faith.
I'm not going to give to ministries, that won't be honest about their beliefs.
I know what some of them believe, by their associations, but people
that don't follow association need to know, what someone believes.
If there are pastors on here, and their churches have Websites, make
sure your statement of faith is there, in plain sight, so all will
know what you believe.
Blessings, Joshua

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