[Faith-talk] article

Timothy Burdick TSBurdick at cox.net
Mon Sep 19 23:29:39 UTC 2011



>From going on emergencies in the hospital, to routine visits, I help Timothy make his way guiding him around twelve floors.  My name is ansel, and I would like to introduce my master. Timothy is a hospital Chaplain who is blind, and   I am his Chaplain's assistant.  I am his guide dog, but I am really under paid, because I do much more then that. In fact, I do most of the work. 


While Timothy can't see, he doesn't like to dwell on that fact. But rather tries to find ways both figuratively and literally around obstacles in his path.


Timothy and I are with in walking distance of the hospital, so we can get to it any time in a matter of minutes. I have learned however that when he gets a sudden call and has to get to the hospital real early, I am not a morning person, but despite this I try and do my best.


  All Timothy has to do is say find the heart when we get off the elevator, and I will guide him from the medical center to the heart hospital. But when I think about it, my favorite place to go is the cafeteria. While I can't eat there, the food smells really good, and sometimes Timothy will give me the ice from his cup. 


More than just trying to be a great guide though, I am also a therapy dog, and as such, wear my badge from the hospital proudly. 


I love to cheer up patients, helping them see the brighter side of life, using my own brand of psychology. For one example, I remember when there had been a death, and Timothy says that I brought more comfort to the patients than he ever could have. I went to each person, wagging my tail, and offering cheer.


Some times though, Timothy uses his cane on the floor, and I stay at the nurse's station. Here Timothy says that I really shine as a public relations guru. For when my harness is off, my job is to encourage the hospital staff.


 I think that the funniest thing happened one day though, when I got too excited in ICU, I didn't know that it wasn't a place to play, and used my break as a stress reliever. Running up and down the halls, it took several of the staff to calm me down. But, after scolding me, Timothy said that he could over lookit this time, because I act as his PR Person as I said above.  I guess so, I thought, what's one mistake. I have to admit, that in the role of a  public relations person, I have introduced him to many important people. I am sure, that with out me he would not have met them. 


While I want to remain modest, you have probably figured out by now, that I am indispensable, and while my work makes for a long day, I do have time to sleep in meetings. Right now though, not having gotten that raise, I am taking a well deserved leave of absence. As for you Timothy, "what do you do I ask?" Then he usually answers, as he shrugs sarcasticly,  "I guess I just tag along." 



''A true friend is someone who reaches out for your hand and touches your Heart.' "with God ALL Things Are Possible (Matthew 19:26). And remember that God can see better than any of us.  
Please go to www.mynvm.org. 
Living to exalt Him more each day,
Pastor Timothy,

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