[Faith-talk] FW: [thefamilyoffaith] Help In Over Coming Jealousy

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Wed Sep 28 23:19:11 UTC 2011

Original Message: 
From: "thefamilyoffaith" <TheFamilyofFaith at tampabay.rr.com>
To: <thefamilyoffaith at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [thefamilyoffaith] Help In Over Coming Jealousy
Wed, 28 Sep 2011 18:28:04 -0400


Help In Over Coming Jealousy


When the thought of jealousy first comes into your mind it's not a sin,
it's an attack. As long as you rebuke the thought and refuse to act on it,
you haven't sinned. You resist the devil by rebuking the thought he sends
you and replacing it with thoughts that conform to Phil 4:4-7. Since you
can only think about one thing at a time, your good thought will drive the
bad thought away. It's called the Law of Displacement.

Here are some verses from God's Word to encourage you that jealousy can
be overcome. Whenever thoughts of jealousy come into your mind, rebuke them
in Jesus' name and repeat these verses. Make them yours by putting them in
the first person. Write them on 3X5 cards and carry them with you until you
learn them.

Click On The Blue Passages So You Can Read The Verses Briefly Summarized

2 Corinthians 10:3-5. You have the power to take thoughts of jealousy
captive and make them obedient to Christ.

Ephesians 4:20-24. In the name of Jesus you have the power to throw off
old attitudes and take on new ones.

James 4:7-8. The devil stirs up these thoughts in you because he can.
When he finds he no longer can, he'll go away.

Phil 4:4-7, 13 & 19. Form the habit of thanking God every day for the
blessings you receive. Be specific. Thank him for everything you can think
of. Focus your mind on the blessings He's given you and think about them. 

Remember, when the thought first comes into your mind it's not a sin,
it's an attack. As long as you rebuke the thought and refuse to act on it,
you haven't sinned. 



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brothermiller1 at yahoo.com 


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