[Faith-talk] Some Godly Advice

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Fri Apr 13 03:08:33 UTC 2012


You might also try listening to some hymns of comfort, or some other 
music you enjoy, to feed your soul. You might also listen to the 
Bible. You can download it from the BARD site. That will help you to 
get your mind off yourself and your circumstances, and help you to 
think on God's Word. Think about who you are to God, and how special 
you are to Him, and you may be able to get out of the depression 
without antidepressants. Maybe they are helping you to gain weight as 
well; I don't know.

Remember to pray often for your mom, and the rest of your family as 
well. If they don't know the Lord, you can expect them to act like 
they do, or worse. Express to them your need to be included in family 
conversation at get-togethers. You are their relative, and you have 
valuable things to contribute.



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