[Faith-talk] Message from the Moderator

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Sun Apr 29 02:36:11 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Welcome to you, Laurel.

I'm sorry that John left, as he contributed a lot to this list.

Now, as to forwards, Eric has been asked not to send them, but there 
are a few people on here that like them. I don't know who, though, 
and I have suggested that people who want them contact Eric off list 
and get information as to how to subscribe to the lists they want. A 
long time ago, I also asked Eric to remove the header stuff, and take 
the list names out of the subject lines. He refuses to do it, and is 
still sending way too many forwards. This is beyond my control, so, 
for now, just delete them. That's what I do because I get plenty of 
devotionals, and prefer to read them in braille rather than listen to 
them anyway. This list is for discussion, and anyone who is on here 
only to pass on forwards needs to take the forwards somewhere else.

The purpose of this list is to discuss faith and religion, or 
blindness-related faith issues. We ask questions, share prayer 
requests and answers (keeping them to personal or family members), 
and encourage each other.

And, another thing: Paul, there are no boys and girls here; we're all 
adults. Your greeting, to me, is annoyingly wordy. Please hone it!

Also, listers, please try to change the subject lines or start a new 
message when appropriate. It's easy to just reply, but often the 
subject changes after a few messages, and the subject field doesn't 
reflect that.

Have a good night, and a blessed Lord's Day.

In His Service,


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