[Faith-talk] Message from the Moderator

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Apr 29 03:35:14 UTC 2012

I can if that is what the Moderator wants.


At 10:23 PM 4/28/2012, you wrote:
>can you not put him on moderated status and control how many 
>forwards he sends? i have a friend who is a list moderator and when 
>they have an issue with someone they put them on moderated status 
>and have to control the persons emails to the point of not letting 
>them go through. it can be quite annoying when there are so many 
>forwards in a day, seems someone is being rude and not obeying the list rules.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Linda Mentink" <mentink at frontiernet.net>
>To: <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
>Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:36 PM
>Subject: [Faith-talk] Message from the Moderator
>>Hi all,
>>Welcome to you, Laurel.
>>I'm sorry that John left, as he contributed a lot to this list.
>>Now, as to forwards, Eric has been asked not to send them, but 
>>there are a few people on here that like them. I don't know who, 
>>though, and I have suggested that people who want them contact Eric 
>>off list and get information as to how to subscribe to the lists 
>>they want. A long time ago, I also asked Eric to remove the header 
>>stuff, and take the list names out of the subject lines. He refuses 
>>to do it, and is still sending way too many forwards. This is 
>>beyond my control, so, for now, just delete them. That's what I do 
>>because I get plenty of devotionals, and prefer to read them in 
>>braille rather than listen to them anyway. This list is for 
>>discussion, and anyone who is on here only to pass on forwards 
>>needs to take the forwards somewhere else.
>>The purpose of this list is to discuss faith and religion, or 
>>blindness-related faith issues. We ask questions, share prayer 
>>requests and answers (keeping them to personal or family members), 
>>and encourage each other.
>>And, another thing: Paul, there are no boys and girls here; we're 
>>all adults. Your greeting, to me, is annoyingly wordy. Please hone it!
>>Also, listers, please try to change the subject lines or start a 
>>new message when appropriate. It's easy to just reply, but often 
>>the subject changes after a few messages, and the subject field 
>>doesn't reflect that.
>>Have a good night, and a blessed Lord's Day.
>>In His Service,

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