[Faith-talk] FW: [Native_American_Christians] Morning Glorythoughts from Sandra

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Fri Feb 3 17:31:02 UTC 2012

Original Message: 
From: SLPENT1 at aol.com
To: SLPEnt1 at aol.com
Subject: [Native_American_Christians] Morning Glorythoughts from Sandra
Thu, 2 Feb 2012 23:33:21 -0500 (EST)

Good Morning
February 3, 2012

Finally,  brothers,
whatever is  true,
whatever is  noble,
whatever is  right,
whatever is  pure,
whatever is  lovely,
whatever is admirable. . . 
if anything is excellent or  praiseworthy,
think about such  things.
Phillipians  4:8
Whatever it is that our minds are focused  upon,
There are many,  more focused upon  problems,
than they are God's power.
There are many focused upon gossip,
than they are truths.
As we cast our eyes upon things,
other than those things which are of  God,
those will manifest in our speech and  actions.
We direct our thoughts,
and we have been commanded to cast down
those thoughts,
which do not come from God.
We should have such a knowledge of God's  Word,
that we quickly are able to discern,
what is of Him,
 and what is not.
If we know Christ personally,
we have Hope for all things,
and do not sink into fear.
We must guard our minds from the  pitfalls
of patterns,
which bring destruction.
We also have to watch our speech,
because there is much power 
in the tongue.
We speak words of fear,
and fear will grasp us.
We speak words of faith,
and peace will descend upon us.
We have the choice.
We are each responsible for our thought  lives.
© 2012   Sandra Lewis Pringle

Dear Heavenly  Father,
We come to You  today,
in Jesus'  name,
and pray for the eyes and  hearts of Your people,
and this  nation,
to turn their thoughts  upon You.
May we dwell upon the  good things,
the things which are  lovely and pleasing to You.
May we sink  not,
into hopelessness or  despair,
because, in  You,
we have all  Hope.
Guard the doors of our  lips,
and may our words match  our faith.
Thank  You,
for the power of the Holy  Spirit
moving through  us,
so that we may become the  victorious church,
which You are looking  for.
In Jesus'  name,
Have a safe and blessed weekend,  Folks!
Praise God,
for our healings from sickness and  disease!

If seeking  salvation,
please visit this  site,
and pray for the Lord  Jesus
to touch your  life,
as only He can  do.
Let me  know,
if you have done  so.
God bless.
_Prayer Of Salvation~Greetings From The Heart And  Soul_ 
Sandra Lewis  Pringle
PO Box 505
Lewisville, NC  27023-0505
_SLPEnt1 at aol.com_ (mailto:SLPEnt1 at aol.com) 
If one of you says to  him,
"Go, I wish you  well;
keep warm and well  fed,"
but does nothing about his physical  needs
what good is  it?
James 2:16

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