[Faith-talk] Please Pray For Us Here In Maryland

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 14:12:07 UTC 2012

Hello and good day  to you all.  I think there is at least one other member on this list who lives in our state, but will post the prayer request now.

Yesterday the Maryland General Assembly passed same-sex marriage legislation and our governor promised to sign it into law.  However, if 55,000 signatures are acquired by June against this measure, it will go to referendum on the November ballot.  So please pray on two fronts, that the required number of signatures will be presented to the proper state officials and that, if and when the measure is brought to the voters for referendum, that it will be turned down flat.  On behalf of all citizens of Maryland, I thank you for your prayers, as I know they will be appreciated.  In the words of the old Gospel song, we must "hold to God's unchanging hand." Your Christian brother, Paul

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