[Faith-talk] FW: [thefamilyoffaith] Coffee Break - We Are Not That Smart

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Tue Jan 31 19:54:04 UTC 2012

Original Message: 
From: "thefamilyoffaith" <TheFamilyofFaith at tampabay.rr.com>
To: <thefamilyoffaith at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [thefamilyoffaith] Coffee Break - We Are Not That Smart
Tue, 31 Jan 2012 08:10:40 -0500


                        "We Are Not That Smart"
                        "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall
direct thy paths."  Proverbs 3:6
                        In our opening scripture we are told to
acknowledge the Lord in all our ways.  Now, I don't know about you, but
when I read the word "all", I take it literally-  that means that I believe
it really means "all".  I have had people tell me that you don't have to
acknowledge God in everything (all).  You don't have to ask Him about small
things.  They contend that He gave us a brain to think for ourselves so
that is what we should do-- think for ourselves.  Seems to me that
"thinking for ourselves" is what got the human race in trouble in the first
place.  Adam was a perfect man, filled with knowledge beyond our wildest
imagine-- after all, he named all the animals-- but when he leaned to his
own understanding about the tree that the Lord forbid them to eat from, his
"intellect" proved to not be very smart.  

                        I learned a long time ago that God says what He
means and means what He says.  There was a reason why He said, "all",
instead of "some" of your ways or "most" of your ways.  Acknowledging Him
in all our ways may seem foolish, but if we would do it, it would save us a
lot of heartache, grief, unnecessary pain, we would make better choices and
decisions, and we would find that things would go a whole lot better for us
in the long run.  

                        We are told that there is a way that seems right
to a man, but the end leads to death.  In other words, in our human
understanding of certain situations, it may seem right, but it could kill
you!  Not wanting to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways boils down to
being a pride issue.  

                        We don't know better what to do than He does--
even in the smallest problem.  We need His help.  We need Him to direct our
paths.  We need Him to show us what to do.  Have you ever been around
little children who "know everything".  Everything you try to tell them---
"I know".  Or when you try to help them--- "I can do it".  You know they
don't know and you know they can't do it.  I think we act like that toward
our heavenly Father as well.  We think we know everything, can do
everything and have everything under control when we really don't.  And He
knows we don't, but He waits patiently for us to decide that we can't do it
and then turn to Him.  And once we do, He is right there ready to help us.

                        Have a great day.  We might as well admit that we
don't know as much as we think we do and that God does!

                        For further reading:  
                        Proverbs 16:25; 14:12
                        Psalms 37:23
                        Jeremiah 10:23

                        <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< 
                        Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by
Lorraine Ezell
                        and is sent to you free of charge for the asking
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