[Faith-talk] A Wednesday Good Night Message and a Prayer Request

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Thu Mar 29 02:02:37 UTC 2012

Paul, I take it you're not going to sleep for awhile. I'll pray for 
your work there.



At 08:39 PM 3/28/2012, you wrote:
>Hello and good evening to you all, at least to those of us in North 
>America.  I hope that your day went well and that you will be 
>contented and happy as you retire for the night.  One Scripture I'd 
>like to share with you this evening is found in the book of Isaiah 
>which just might be the thing for any troubled heart.  It's part of 
>a little longer verse but here's the part I'd like to share with 
>you: "In quietness and consolation shall be your strength." 
>Quietness means for me tranquility, and consolation means 
>comfort.  I pray that, as you retire for the night, that these words 
>shall take on a personal meaning for you.
>As to the prayer request, if you think about it, please pray that my 
>shift as a volunteer counselor for our local crisis pregnancy center 
>will go well and that I will say the right things in the right way 
>and at the right time for any lady who might call about her 
>pregnancy.  I don't have all the answers to any question, but the 
>Lord does.  Thanks for praying.  My shift lasts from midnight to 6 
>a.m. eastern.
>Wishing you all a peaceful and restful night's sleep, I am your 
>Christian brother, Paul.
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