[Faith-talk] Disability Selected Abortions

trising trising at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 12 01:54:07 UTC 2013

I  have heard of this unfortunately. I have septo optic dysplasia which is a syndrome that involves  blindness, a pituitary gland that is almost nonexistent and does not produce hormones, and slightly enlarged brain ventricles. Women are able to see the enlarged brain ventricles by viewing ultrasounds of their baby. Doctors unfortunately urge them to kill their children through abortion. In two cases, they have come to an online support group of people with my syndrome, and I have been able to tell them about my life and what it is like. Fortunately, both decided to have their children. Praise the Lord!
     Also, I have encountered this attitude when people know that my husband and I have been trying to have children. So far, God has not worked this miracle for us. I have received very hurtful comments that I should not have children because they might be blind and have my syndrome. I am a person of short stature due to having no growth hormone from the pituitary.

Terri Wilcox
Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan 
Ann Arbor Chapter President  
Voice Lessons and Braille Tutoring available. Contact Terri Wilcox MA at (734)663-4050 or at trising at sbcglobal.net

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