[Faith-talk] An Awesome Praise Report

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 23:48:42 UTC 2013

Hello folks.  For those of you who know, I've been quite concerned about my friend Carol Platt of East Pittsburgh PA.  Well, I just got off the phone with her.  She has been going through quite an extensive time of rehabilitation from her surgeries plus a stroke that affected her heart.  However she was in good spirits when I spoke with her.  Deep down, I thought that she was avoiding me because I gave her contact info to a mutual friend with whom she would rather not have contact with, another person in Pittsburgh.  No, he wasn't sexual about her or anything like that, but she just didn't want any contact with her.  However I realize that this was not the case.  Anyway thanks a bunch for your prayers on her behalf.  Without her permission I'd rather not give out her contact info.  Also, her computer isn't working for whatever reason.  In addition to all her surgeries from a herniated disk, hip and knee replacements, she is also a diabetic and has been so since, I believe, age 18.  So, as you can see, she has been "through the mill." However, with your prayers and the Lord guiding her, she will pull through.  Paul

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