[Faith-talk] What to believe in Jesus?

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 11:02:10 UTC 2013

Dear all, peace be with you.

How is everybody?

I hope you all are keeping really well.

Today, I woke up felicitously in ultimate certitude and placid temperament,  , praise be to Allah glory be to Him.

I prayed the dawn.

I did not go to the Gym this morning.

I feel sore from my last intensive workout, so I decided to postpone my regular workout to this evening, God willing.

I would not run today, because my running stance are quite exhausted.

So I decided to spend some time talking to my friends, about my favorit topic, Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him.

    He is indeed my favorit topic when it comes to Christianity.

I have had posted multiple editorials on the divinity of Jesus.

The discussion really intrigues my attention, so I may write more on the subject today.

Our Christian friends believe, that Jesus peace and blessings be upon him is mortal, yet he is still divine.

This subject is really interesting, and it has a philosophical aspect to point out.

I will initially reveal what I comprehend, and my friends can correct my apprehension if I am mistaken.

Jesus for Christians induces two natures.

One of them is perfectly mortal, the human part, and another part that is utterly divine.

That is what I understand, and I hope I have summarized it properly.

Well, if I have done so, I may demand my Christian mates to plainly explicate  further onto that regard.

Why God Almighty had to send Jesus to die on the cross to atone our sins?

Has not He be all Omnipotent to do so?

Is not God able to forgive us unconditionally?

  That is where I am really perplexed with Christian Theology.

I am sure that my Christian friends would agree with me, that God is all Omnipotent, glory be to Him.

Rightfully, God is not represented in any physical portrayals.

Well, for Christians, He is.

For us as Muslims, that is predominantly blasphemous to say so.

Why we believe that is enormously sacrilegious?

Simply because we believe, that God is Self-sufficient.
If He was not Self-sufficient, He would have been imperfect.
   If He was imperfect, He would have not been worthy of being worshipped.

If He was not worthy of being worshipped, He would have not been  God, then.

This is a simplly logical proposition, which the lay Christian can conveniently comprehend.

Well, their rebuttals are essentially centered around that God is able to do anything He wants.

Yes He can but, it is quite different when we say; that God is able to do anything, and something  is not appropriate to be attributed to God.

We have to plainly differentiate in between the two concepts.

We have to controvert the complexity of this argument. 

So, for instance, I can commit adultery if I wanted but, it is not appropriate for me to do so.

I can go socialize at the bar but, that is not appropriate for me.

The same holds true for God Almighty, glory be to Him.

He surely can be a man if He wanted to, but that is not applicable for His transcendence.

In conclusion then, I think that the discipline of Christology  is radically undecipherable to fathom.

  I am not sure if God is able to forgive unconditionally, why He has not just done so.

Well, that is what I have got for the time being.

Thank you for reading my boring posts, Smile.

We have got a brilliant weather here in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Come and visit us.

In the meantime, until I render another post, stay blessedly in the grace of God and His clemency, glory be to Him.

Peace be with you.

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