[Faith-talk] Daily Thought for Monday, December 23, 2013

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 23 20:10:35 UTC 2013

Well folks, for most of us it's only two days before the big one, Christmas, a day to celebrate the Lord's birth.  Hope I can find someone with whom to hang out with on that day, as I don't necessarily wish to stay home alone.

Before I give you the Daily Thought message for today, I'd like to say that our senior citizen's center Bible study went quite well, the Lord directing me.  The topic was "Gift Giving in the Bible," and He had me break down the concept of biblical gift-giving into three points:  Man's giving to man, God giving to man and man giving to God.  Wish some of you could have been there, but maybe sometime in ICC or in Seasons I can give this lesson again, maybe next year, the Lord tarrying and the human powers that be okaying this.

And now for the daily thought message.  It was originally published in a periodical called "Times of Refreshing" and was written by the Rev. Frances Hurst.  The article in question is entitled "The Christ of Christmas," and is rendered as follows:

What a thrill it must have been to hear those angelic voices ringing across the Judean countryside that splendid night so long ago! It was the "multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:13-14).

On that blessed night every prophecy concerning the Messiah's coming was fulfilled.  Yet, strange as it may seem, not one Jewish religious leader recognized Him as the promised King.

How could an event of such magnitude escape the attention and evaluation of those reckoned to be scholars of the prophetic writings? How could they study the Scriptures daily and not be aware of this great event which transpired in their midst? The answer is very simple:  Prophecy is often fulfilled without fanfare.

The life of Jesus was a constant unfolding of fulfilled prophecy, yet scores of divine predictions came to pass virtually unobserved and literally unrecognized by those who should have been first to perceive.  It has always been the nature of man to treat the present with disdain while presuming to foresee the future.

Today we must be on guard constantly lest we be guilty of the same mistakes.  All signs point to the fact that Jesus is coming again very soon, yet many of these prophetic signs are coming into view without fanfare.  Signs such as wars, rumors of war, false Christs, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, planting and building (Matthew 24; II Peter 3:3-12).  The majority, as in the days of Christ, are totally unaware of the implications.

As we observe all these conditions, the penetrating truth is that we must be laboring ever more diligently for the Master.  This should weigh heavily upon our shoulders.

Unlike the shepherds, we do not look for the Babe in the manger.  Unlike the Wise Men, we do not make the long trek to Bethlehem to pay homage and present Him with gifts.  He is now the risen Christ, and the "gifts" He desires most from those who are called by His name are the ransomed souls of men.  By His own admission before Pontius Pilate, He did not come to set up an earthly kingdom but to die that men might live.

This holiday season give yourself afresh to Christ by entering into a living relationship with Him with a renewed desire to help others.

Just as surely as Jesus came over 2,000 years ago, He is coming again! When He does, will He commend and reward you for your faithfulness? Or will you regret, through time and eternity, that you neglected to be a soul winner? (Hebrews 2:3-4)

The gift of eternal salvation Jesus Christ brought to the world required the performance on the part of God the Father and Christ the Son.  I urge you to make Christ the Lord of your life.  Through your commitment, others will be made aware that prophecy is being fulfilled right now, the prophecy that Jesus is coming very soon, so they can prepare to meet Him.

Now I know this article was perhaps "preaching to the choir," so to speak, but it says somewhere in Isaiah that God's Word would not return to Him void, but will accomplish its intended purpose.  Hope you found this article a blessing.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, in these last days.  Lord willing, tomorrow there will be another daily thought message.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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