[Faith-talk] being healed from blindness

debby phillips semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Fri Dec 27 03:51:14 UTC 2013

Hi Ashley, well, for years I was a dog user and will be again in 
a few months, Lord willing.  There were times when there was not 
room for the dog on stage or on the choir risers, so I would have 
someone "dog sit" for me.  But I see no reason a cane could not 
be used.  You can either hold it at your side, or use a folding 
cane which could perhaps be placed on a music stand.  I usually 
have gotten words either emailed to me or dictated.  I don't read 
Braille music and have no desire to, actually.  I will sometimes 
have a person gently touch my hand at cut offs.  I did play parts 
in musicals as a student at the Oregon School for the Blind (now 
closed) but was only successful in getting small parts or being a 
singer in the chorus of musicals as a high school and college 
student.  Getting involved in choirs or worship teams has been a 
great way of making friends.  If I am ever part of a church 
again, I will do that again.  I love it.    Blessings,    Debby

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