[Faith-talk] Setting your goals for 2014.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 11:45:59 UTC 2013

Hello everyone.

This is a continuation of my previous post.

I was talking about setting your goals for 2014.

How lovely when someone has a purpose to gain, and he works hard to achieve it.

I enjoyed that feeling in the last couple of years.

It started over in 2010, when I determined to constantly improve my command of written English.

I can see the result of that now.

I worked seriously on my written English, and I kept receiving feedback from native speakers.

Consequently, I developed another goal now, and that is to pursue in English speaking University for postgraduate studies.

That is my top goal on academic based for 2014.

I really advise all of my recipients to just try that out.

Try setting any goal of your choice, and strive in the cause of achieving it.

Your life will become so different, and it will be enormously substantive.
What is your goal for 2014?

Perhaps it is to get a better job, to buy a new house, to get married, to lose weight and become healthier, to immigrate, to study abroad, to acquire a new skil, to be more devotional, or anything that you can think of.

I just could not describe the beauty of this ambitious temperament.

I now can tell you about the two major aims of my wishlist of 2014.

The first one of my academic interest, it is to successfully be enrolled at the Gradual Theological Union of Berkely University.

The first one of my private interest,  it is to ultimately expose my genuine affection to the girl whom I predominantly have ever loved and cared for.

I wish all of you to successfully achieve your goals for this upcoming year.

Life is all about the following three characteristics:

Desireable aims, Key obstacles, and determination.

The desirable aims are our dreams.

The key obstacles are the discouraging conditions which we all confront.

And finally, the determination is your uninterrupted perseverance  to insistently achieve your goals, in spite of any barriers that lays ahead.

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant time, and Happy New Year.

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